Chapter 1063 The empress is dead
Chapter 1076

It was fine just now, but in the blink of an eye, it became like this.

Ling'er brought the crying Prince Jiao back to Jinghe Palace, but Concubine Xue never came back.

After hearing the rumors, Sima Changfeng and Miss Qing rushed from the back hall to the front hall. Seeing Ling'er hugging Prince Jiao tightly with a dull expression, they knew something was wrong.

Sima Changfeng didn't care about pretending to be a man anymore, he rushed to Linger and asked urgently, "Miss Linger, what happened to Zhongwen and the queen?"

Ling'er's body trembled for a moment, and the image of Concubine Xue being shot by several arrows flashed in her mind, as well as the scene of the queen and Zheng Zhongwen both falling down. She shook her body and said, "Dead, all dead, all dead."

Sima Changfeng's face changed greatly: "What did you say? Please explain clearly, who died?"

Ling'er burst into tears: "The empress is dead, the concubine Xue is dead, what should I do? Prince Jiao is still so young, he is still so young."


Hall of Cihe

All the imperial physicians gathered in the Hall of Mercy and tried their best to treat the dying queen and Zheng Zhongwen.

When an imperial doctor came out, Zhou An hurriedly asked, "How is it? Is the queen awake?"

The imperial doctor sighed, and said: "Although the queen's arrow wound is not fatal, it is because she pulled the arrow out forcefully and pulled the wound a second time, the injury is very serious, and she has lost too much blood, she is very weak now, can she survive it? It's really hard to say."

After a pause, the imperial doctor said again: "Although the other person's arrow wound was serious and the stab was deep, but he was lucky, neither of the two arrows hurt his vitals, and now he is in a coma because of excessive blood loss. You will be able to wake up in time, and there should be no serious problems."

Zhou An was annoyed for a while, why was she the one who lay in it and experienced the disaster of life and death? If possible, he would rather exchange it with himself.

The leader of the guards standing behind him knelt down with a plop: "Your Majesty deserves to die, please give me the death penalty." Today's incident was not a complete accident, more, he did it on purpose, he promised One person, at the right time, took Qi Rongyue's life, and he did it.

Zhou An looked sideways at him with stern eyes: "Hong Wu, you are so courageous. I have clearly told them to stop shooting arrows, but why are those arrows constantly shooting out? You'd better give me a satisfactory answer." explain."

Hong Wu said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, your subordinates are also thinking of your majesty. Your majesty does not want to be a villain in front of the queen, so this villain will be done by your subordinates. This subordinate only wants to share your majesty's worries and help your majesty avoid future troubles." , but who knows, the queen, she—this is also unexpected by the subordinates, and the subordinates ordered them to stop at that time, but how could those arrows that had been released turn back because of a sentence from the subordinates."

Zhou An snorted coldly: "You'd better not lie, this king will definitely find out, if this matter is involved in other things, you'd better wash your neck dry."

"Take it down and put it in a dungeon for trial." Zhou An knew that Hong Wu was Concubine Liang's cousin earlier. Although today's incident happened very suddenly, now that he thinks about it carefully, there are still many doubts in his heart. suspected.

King Hong was taken away, he strode into the hall, Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen were both unconscious, one was as angry as gossamer, the other was as white as paper.

He regretted it, regretted that he should not have forced her like that, if he hadn't expressed the intention to kill Zheng Zhongwen at that time, she would not have gone to Zheng Zhongwen's side so desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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