Chapter 1065 Deshengzhuang

Chapter 1078

He turned his head to look at Miss Qing, and asked in a deep voice, "How is Prince Jiao doing now?"

Miss Qing shook her head: "It's not very good, I've been crying all the time, and I have a fever."

Have a fever?All the imperial doctors are here, without Jiao Er, who is taken care of by his mother, who would go to see him?

He turned his head and said to the guard at the side: "You go and tell Imperial Physician Zhu, let him send someone to the Jinghe Palace, and give Prince Jiao a good look, there must be no mistakes, otherwise, they are the only ones to ask."

The guard took the order and went.

Hearing such instructions, Zheng Zhongwen felt relieved a lot, and said to Sima Changfeng, "Help me up a bit, I have an arrow wound in my calf, and I can't use my strength."

Every step I take, it feels like someone is altruistic with a sharp knife, and it hurts my heart.

Zhou An only brought four masters to accompany him, and left the palace in two carriages, heading for Qingyang County.

Zhou An was sitting in the carriage at the back, surrounded by masters on horseback, Zheng Zhongwen and Sima Changfeng had resumed their men's clothes, sitting in the carriage at the front, and there was an accompanying imperial physician, watching Zheng Zhongwen's injuries at any time.

Zheng Zhongwen's wound healed very well, even the imperial physician couldn't help but be amazed, the wound that was still overflowing with blood due to the jolt in the morning had formed a thick scab in the afternoon, and his complexion looked much better.

Zheng Zhongwen's body's healing ability has been greatly enhanced since he was revived by Jiaozhu. On the battlefield in Western Xinjiang, once he was injured, he could recover within two or three days at most, while someone who suffered the same injury as him would need at least ten days to heal. It may not be as good as him in a day and a half.

Qingyang County is not far from the capital of the Zhou Dynasty. They set off in the afternoon and rode fast all the way, and arrived at Qingyang County in the middle of the night.

The city gate of Qingyang County was closed, the guards stepped forward to call the door, and a token appeared to verify their identities, and then opened the door to let them in.

After entering the county seat, the carriage went straight to Desheng Village where Wanshitong was located.

Deshengzhuang is a gambling house, and Wan Shi Tong is the master of this gambling house.

The business of the gambling house is always better at night than during the day, with bright lights and constant shouting. Although it is already late at night, none of the people here need to show any signs of fatigue.

A young servant came up to welcome him, and said to the guard walking in front of Zhou An: "This gentleman has a very strange face, it seems that this is the first time he has come back to Deshengzhuang, what do you want to play?"

The guard said in a deep voice, "We're here to find Wanshitong, please lead the way."

The boy said with a smile: "The boss has already fallen asleep. The boss has ordered that no matter who looks for him, he has to wait until tomorrow."

The guard said: "We have something urgent, we can't wait until tomorrow, so we will lead the way now."

Seeing that all of them have extraordinary demeanor, the boy seems to be not ordinary people, and he feels uneasy, should he report it?What if the boss blames him if he reports it?
If he doesn't report, these people seem to be easy to mess with, will he suffer?
At this time, Zheng Zhongwen stepped forward, took out a hundred taels of silver bill, and stuffed it directly into the boy's hand: "Is it enough?"

Although the boy works in the casino, he sees a lot of big bills every day, but this is really a big bill delivered to him, but he has never seen it before.

He immediately answered excitedly: "That's enough, I'm going to report to the boss now, please wait for a while."

The boy turned around and went to the backyard. The backyard was completely different from the front yard. The front yard was noisy, but the backyard was quiet and elegant.

He knocked on the door of the boss's room, and the noise inside stopped immediately, and a very impatient shout came out: "Which lifeless thing is outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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