Chapter 1066

Chapter 1079

The servant laughed dryly and said, "Boss, it's me, Xiao Liu. A few guests came outside and said they wanted to ask Wanshitong for advice."

"No time, no time, didn't you see that I'm busy?" He really wanted to kill someone, and he couldn't wait to get up, and he was about to have a blast, but when he interrupted him, he softened again. The resentful look in the woman's eyes made him feel ashamed. . .

He wanted to revive his glory again, but according to his past experience, he didn't even think about it if he didn't have seven or eight days. . .

So just when Xiao Liu was about to leave, he chose to turn over and get out of bed, and shouted outside: "Maybe there is something urgent, you tell you to wait in the back hall, I'll come right away." Not a bad idea.

The woman's voluptuous figure came up from behind, her tender lotus-like arms wrapped around his bucket-like waist, and she rubbed against his back: "Master, you can't go, my flame just came up, you go!" What can I do?"

Know-it-all smiled, peeled the headless horseman's arm around his waist, quickly got up and put on his clothes: "Little baby, the master still has something to attend to today, just wait, and come back when the master takes care of the outside affairs, good boy. "After saying that, he fled the room as if fleeing from disaster, panting like a cow.

He is just forty, rich and powerful, he is good at everything, it is just the thing under his body, he is not very easy to control, but he is so fond of it, he has brought many beautiful concubines home, but he is not. . .

When he came to the back hall, there were three people sitting and four people standing in the room. His eyes swept over them one by one like lightning. The four men were all men with extraordinary bearing. When they saw him coming, they stood up together and bowed their hands to him. , one of them seemed to be sick.

Zheng Zhongwen asked the know-it-all: "Dare to ask the elders, but the know-it-all?"

Wanshitong nodded: "I am Wanshitong, you can call me Lord Lu."

Zheng Zhongwen cupped his hands again: "Master Lu, I'm sorry to bother you for visiting late at night."

Master Lu waved his hands, sat down generously, and said, "You're welcome, do you know my rules?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "One question, 1 taels."

Master Lu glanced at him and said, "Have you brought the money?"

Zhou An glanced at the guard behind him, and the guard hurried forward holding the bank note.

Who is Lord Lu? He runs a casino and deals with all kinds of bankers every day. He recognized this banknote as a banknote issued by the Royal Bank at a glance.

It seems that the identities of these people in front of them are really extraordinary.

Master Lu nodded: "Okay, you can ask."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly asked: "I want to know, where can I find millennium ginseng?"

Master Lu squinted his eyes, and then raised his eyebrows again: "This thousand-year-old ginseng is not an ordinary thing. Naturally, it cannot be found in ordinary places, but it is definitely not unavailable. In fact, as long as it is in the deep mountains and old forests, there will be it." Thousand-year-old ginseng, but most people can't find them, and even if they find them, they may not be able to recognize that it is a thousand-year-old ginseng."

Sima Changfeng asked: "From what you mean, will the thousand-year-old ginseng still be able to escape?"

Lord Lu shook his head: "It is said that ginseng will turn into a doll and run around after living for a thousand years, but that is just a legend, and it cannot be taken as true, but there are only two reasons why a thousand-year-old ginseng can grow in the mountains for thousands of years without being discovered. First, the place where ginseng grows is a place that humans cannot reach; second, there are ferocious beasts guarding it around the ginseng, and no one is allowed to approach it. Only in this way can we stop the endless plunder of greedy humans."

(End of this chapter)

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