Chapter 1067 Millennium Ginseng
Chapter 1080

So, after all, he doesn't know where there is millennium ginseng?
Seeing the expressions of the three people changed, Master Lu hurriedly said: "However, there is one thing that can help you find thousand-year-old ginseng in the deep mountains, but whether you can get it in the end depends on your own ability."

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

Lord Lu said: "Red ginseng rabbits, red ginseng rabbits feed on ginseng leaves, they can smell ginseng that we can't smell, with it, there will be no ginseng that can't be found, it is best if it is just born. Red ginseng rabbits who have tasted ginseng leaves, such red ginseng rabbits will not be attracted by ordinary ginseng, their first foraging, even if they are extremely hungry, they must find the best and most attractive ginseng. A red ginseng rabbit found a thousand-year-old ginseng, and its owner became prosperous because of it, but it is a pity that after the little red ginseng rabbit found the thousand-year-old ginseng for the first time, it no longer focused on looking for the thousand-year-old ginseng, it is really a strange little thing.”

Zhou An said: "Where can I get this kind of red ginseng rabbit?"

Lord Lu smiled and said: "Most of the ginseng diggers' families have this kind of red ginseng rabbit. You go to the medicine shop tomorrow to watch. When you see someone coming to sell ginseng, just ask them to buy it. As long as the price is good, there is nothing you can't buy." Arrived."

"I've said everything I need to say, please go back."

This is his way of making money. With just a few words, he can make money that others can't make in a lifetime.

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Master Lu, and suddenly said: "Master Lu, I see that your face is a little sluggish, but the things in the room are not what you want?"

Master Lu was taken aback: "Are you a doctor?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I'm not a doctor, but my wife is a genius doctor. She once concocted a secret medicine that can revive a man's glory without harming his body, but on the contrary."

Master Lu immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "Is this secret medicine really effective?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "My wife is a genius doctor, who has saved countless lives in her life, and is even more proficient at refining medicine. This kind of secret medicine in the house is nothing."

Master Lu looked excited. He had taken a lot of medicine, but it only had a temporary effect. After that, even the temporary effect was gone, and his health became worse and worse. He didn't dare to take it anymore. Now I heard that With such a secret medicine, how could he hold back, and hurriedly asked: "I wonder if I can buy some from your wife?" After saying this, he was embarrassed: "People of my age, you are still young, and you don't understand me. Take the pain of age."

Zhongwen smiled lightly: "Of course you can buy medicine, but right now my wife is injured and urgently needs this thousand-year-old ginseng to heal her wounds. As long as you find this thousand-year-old ginseng, as soon as her injury is cured, I can immediately refine this secret medicine for you. "

It was only then that Sima Changfeng and Zhou An suddenly realized that Zheng Zhongwen was too boring just now, how could he suddenly mention this matter, now it seems that Zheng Zhongwen was afraid that Master Lu would have something to say, so he deliberately whetted his appetite , so that he can tell the truth.

Sure enough, after some consideration, Lord Lu said: "Tomorrow, you go directly to Wang Laosan's house on the East Street. His red ginseng rabbit just gave birth to a cub a while ago. Count the days, and it's almost time to go up the mountain. Go find him. Exactly."

Zhongwen nodded: "Thank you, Lord Lu, for your reminder. When my wife recovers from her injury, I will definitely ask her to refine a pot of the best secret medicine for you."

Master Lu smiled and said, "Then I'll be fine, I can count on it."

The three of them left Deshengzhuang without going to lodge. They dragged Xiaoliu, who had benefited earlier, out, and gave him another 100 taels, and asked him to take him to the home of Wang Laosan on the East Street.

(End of this chapter)

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