Chapter 1068 Red Ginseng Rabbit

Chapter 1081

At this time, it was still some hours before dawn, and they couldn't wait, so they turned into the yard and knocked on the door directly.

Wang Laosan got up in his clothes and came to open the door cursing. He saw a few tall young men with knives or swords on their waists. His heart trembled, and he knelt down with a plop: "Masters, I Wang Laosan is a poor man and has nothing at home, so I ask the elder to let the younger one go."

Dare to treat them as robbers?
Well, save me some trouble.

Sima Changfeng pretended to be vicious and said: "I heard that you dig ginseng?"

Wang Laosan was taken aback, how could they still know his identity, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, but the work of digging ginseng is hard work and can't make much money. My family all point to me to live alone, digging The ginseng that came is not enough for food, please forgive me and let the little one go."

"You raised red ginseng rabbits?" Sima Changfeng asked.

Wang Laosan nodded: "I have raised, I have raised, how many have I raised."

"Take us to take a look." Sima Changfeng said, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Wang Laosan was frightened half to death, got up from the ground quickly, and led them to a small house in the backyard.

"A few, my lords, the red ginseng rabbits are kept inside."

"Open." Zheng Zhongwen said in a deep voice.

Wang Laosan didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately opened the locked door, a strong smell rushed out from inside, Wang Laosan lit the lantern held by the door, and the dark hut was immediately lit up.

Sima Changfeng pushed Wang Laosan in, telling him to go ahead, lest he play tricks.

Wang Laosan pointed to a bamboo cage in the house and said, "They are all inside."

Everyone looked at it, and sure enough, there were several rabbits with fiery red fur locked in the cage. It was the first time they had seen such rabbits, and they had never heard of them before.

Next to the two larger rabbits, there are three little rabbits, who are still very small, sleeping with their eyes closed, not staring at these uninvited guests as alertly as their mother.

Zheng Zhongwen pointed to the three little rabbits and asked: "Have the little guys been on the mountain?"

Wang Laosan hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, not yet. I'm planning to take them up the mountain in a few days. I wonder what the elders are doing to see the red ginseng rabbits?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "The three small ones, we want them, bring them here."

Wang Laosan was dumbfounded: "This, this—" He didn't dare to say it, but he planned to use it to find good ginseng.

Zheng Zhongwen directly took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, and said: "This is 3000 taels, buy these three little red ginseng rabbits, and, please take us to find the thousand-year-old ginseng, and then I will give you another 3000 taels. "

Wang Laosan opened his mouth wide, unable to believe what he heard. . . 3000 taels?Buy these three little guys?Then if he leads the way again, can he earn another 3000 taels? ?
Isn't he dreaming?
Is there such a good thing in the world?
"What? Don't think it's enough?" Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, he hates greedy guys the most.

Wang Laosan saw that the other party was disgusted, and immediately said: "No, no, I just didn't realize it for a while, of course, of course, it's just that it's not so easy to find the thousand-year-old ginseng, if you can't find it, then, then— —”

Zhou An said in a deep voice: "Or if you can't find it, you don't want the 3000 taels."

Wang Laosan's hand holding the bank note tightened immediately, this is a good opportunity to turn around.

You know, even if he finds the thousand-year-old ginseng by himself, he can sell it for 200 taels of silver, 3000 taels, oh no, 6000 taels, which he never even dared to dream of.

(End of this chapter)

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