Chapter 1074
Chapter 1087

Zhongwen cut off his words and said, "You don't need to thank me. This jiaozhu was originally a product of your Zhou Dynasty. Today, I will pay you back with the power of the jiaozhu. Rongyue and I don't owe you anything anymore. From now on, we will be clear, and I hope you Don’t threaten me with this in the future.”

Zhou An smiled wryly: "That day in the palace, you were desperate to protect each other, even willing to die for each other. At that time, I knew that I had completely lost my chance. No matter what, it was impossible to win her heart. Why do you need to force it?"

"As long as she can wake up, as long as she can wake up, I am willing to let you go."

Zheng Zhongwen breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "I hope you will remember what you said today, and don't repeat it again."

Zhou An finally understood why Zheng Zhongwen could win Rong Yue's heart, but he couldn't.

He is not comparable to Zheng Zhongwen. With his tolerance and calmness, although he is the lord of a country, standing in front of him, he is ashamed of himself. If it was him just now, he would not care. All sacrifices to save?

Don't think so!
The black-headed python disappeared without a trace, and they didn't dare to stay for a long time at this moment. This forest is obviously very uneven, and they must find the thousand-year-old ginseng as soon as possible.

Wang Lao Er said: "Thousand-year-old ginseng must grow in a place with abundant spiritual energy, and its growth environment must be able to absorb the essence of the sun and moon for many years. Such a thousand-year-old ginseng will have better medicinal value."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his head, and the dense leaves covered the sky and the sun, obviously this is not a good place to live for the top-grade thousand-year-old ginseng.

Although the two little red ginseng rabbits in the cage were still excited, they didn't reach the level of excitement in Wang Laoer's heart. He didn't plan to let the red ginseng rabbits out.

He used to think that it doesn't matter whether it's a thousand years old or a hundred years old, it counts when he digs it, but now he doesn't think so, the danger in the forest is beyond his imagination, the people in front of him may not be the opponents of those beasts, he He must take them to find the thousand-year-old ginseng as soon as possible, and leave here. He secretly swore that as long as he could leave here alive, he would never come back in his life.

Although money is a good thing, everyone likes it, but you have to live to spend it.

Wang Lao Er didn't dare to go ahead, he followed behind the two guards, leaning on Sima Changfeng's side, his heart was beating wildly, and his hand holding the torch was constantly shaking.

Sima Changfeng said: "Wang Er Er, don't be afraid, with us here, we will definitely protect your safety."

Wang Lao Er made up his mind, but he still couldn't dispel the fear in his heart instantly. The scene of the fight with the aconite python just now kept swaying in front of his eyes. I lost my hair.

The deeper the forest goes, the more eerie it feels, making one's hair stand on end.

Suddenly, the cage in Sima Changfeng's hand started to move, and the little red ginseng rabbit inside kept jumping around in the cage, its small head turned in one direction, and its mouth squeaked excitedly.

Wang Laoer said: "Yes, yes, this is the reaction of the red ginseng rabbits when they smell the absolute best ginseng. Look at their reaction, it is much stronger than the reaction of the 600-year-old ginseng. It should be the thousand-year-old ginseng."

Wang Laoer and Sima Changfeng exchanged the cages in their hands, and Wang Laoer led the way instead.

Passing through the gloomy woods, they suddenly saw an open space, and there was a small lake inside, which was not that big, not as big as the lotus pond in the backyard of a rich family.

(End of this chapter)

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