Chapter 1075 Cannibal Vine

Chapter 1089

He pulled Zhou An back away from the corpse, Zhou An was still in shock: "What the hell is this?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't see it clearly. It's a dark red tentacles, but it's not clear what it is."

Wang Lao Er was trembling with fright, and tremblingly said: "This, this must be a man-eating vine, it must be a man-eating vine."

Everyone fixed their eyes on him one after another, Zheng Zhongwen asked in a deep voice: "What is a man-eating vine?"

Wang Lao Er said: "I also heard that if you encounter a man-eating vine in the forest, you will only have a dead end, and that thing can quietly appear around us like a ghost, entangle your body, and make you feel sick." We lose the ability to resist and escape, and then inject the poison from the vine into the human body, causing people to be paralyzed and unconscious, and the vine will take the opportunity to absorb the flesh and blood of the human body until it turns a living person into a dead bone."

Zhou An's eyes fell on the skeleton's hand bones, "So, the vines also twisted off the hands and feet on purpose? To prevent them from escaping?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "Impossible, no matter how powerful and vicious this man-eating vine is, it is just a highly poisonous vine. How can it know how to break people's hands and feet?"

Sima Changfeng looked surprised: "So, this is made by people, someone is controlling this vine?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "It's hard to say whether it was controlled or not, but the hands and feet of the two people who died were indeed twisted off."

Wang Lao Er tremblingly asked: "Then, what should we do now?"

Zheng Zhongwen held up the torch and looked around, and said in a deep voice: "It's almost dawn, let's go back to the forest first, and come out after dawn, our torch is almost burnt out, this thing is afraid of fire, if there is no torch , all of us would be at risk."

Zhou An nodded: "That's the only way, everyone go back."

An hour later, the sky began to turn pale, and the golden light slowly broke through the clouds and landed on the calm lake. Only now did they see the scene around the small lake clearly. It was like a world away. The fairyland is full of flowers and dazzling beauty. Who would have thought that there would be such a beautiful land in such a cold winter day.

Sima Changfeng sighed: "Without that damn man-eating vine, this place would be a perfect fairyland."

Zheng Zhongwen had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery, his gaze fell on the two corpses, under the sunlight, the black color on the corpses looked extraordinarily eerie.

Along the direction of the tops of the skulls of the two corpses, the place where the two skulls are pointing at is the same place, where a flower tree with particularly thick stems and branches grows. The flower tree is full of bright red flowers, which is very beautiful. The strange thing is that even the flower core is bright red, the same color as blood.

Zheng Zhongwen stared at the flowering tree, behind a piece of emerald green leaves, two dark red tentacles flashed past.

Sure enough it was.

Zhong Wen said to everyone: "This flower tree is the man-eating vine, and those powerful vines come out of this flower tree."

A guard immediately drew out his sword and snorted, "I'm going to chop him right now."

Zhongwen stretched out his hand to pull him, but nothing stopped him, the man ran extremely fast.

Everyone thought that the vines were protruding from the flower tree, but they saw the vines coming out of the ground with their own eyes. When the guard approached, they wrapped around his legs and dragged him to the two corpses. drag in the direction.

(End of this chapter)

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