Chapter 1076 Flower Tree
Chapter 1090

Zheng Zhongwen and Sima Changfeng were the closest to the guards, they reacted quickly, drew their swords and rushed forward, cut off the vines binding the guard's feet with one sword, and pulled the guard back.

The guard was still in shock, and lowered his head to look at his feet. The vines wrapped around his ankles had loosened and fell off. They were two tentacles made of dark red flesh, and bright red juice and human blood were overflowing from the cuts. Same.

Zheng Zhongwen squatted down, pulled his legs and feet apart, and saw many densely packed red spots on his ankles. The red spots were spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned from red to black.

The guard also noticed something was wrong, and shouted: "My leg, my leg lost feeling." He fell to the ground, watching his leg gradually turn black, and his vision gradually blurred, From calf to thigh, and even the whole body, it is a matter of blink of an eye.

The guard fell down, his eyes wide open, his pupils gradually dilated.

This kind of poison is so powerful that it can kill people in the blink of an eye.

Wang Laoer saw his companion die like this with his own eyes, and the fear in his heart gradually deepened. He tremblingly said: "Let's, let's go, here, here is too scary."

Zheng Zhongwen turned his head, stared at the flower tree with sharp eyes, and said: "Everything in the world has its own laws, and I don't believe there is no way to restrain it."

He carefully looked around the environment around the man-eating vine, and found that the flowers and trees growing around the man-eating vine were all very tall, especially the leaves, which were as wide as lotus leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight, and the man-eating vine was hidden in the In that shade.

Those blood-colored flowers that bloomed coquettishly at night are actually gone at this time, and I don't know where they are hidden.

So it seems that it is afraid of light and heat?
That would be easy, he picked up the torch they had discarded earlier, lit it, and threw the flickering torch towards the man-eating vine.

Fierce flames were roasting under the flower tree of the man-eating vine, and after baking for a while, the flower tree began to shake without wind, as if it was suffering some kind of unbearable death penalty, which made it extremely painful.

Zheng Zhongwen said to the crowd: "Light all the torches and throw them down the man-eating vine."

Everyone did as they said. Compared with the heat of seven or eight torches, the heat of one torch is naturally different. The flower tree no longer just trembled slightly, but trembled violently.

Zheng Zhongwen raised his sword and said to everyone: "Be careful, this guy is about to strike."

The six people protected the imperial physician and Wang Laoer in the middle, their eyes were not only fixed on the trembling flower tree, but also on the ground in front of them, so as not to be attacked by the elusive man-eating vine.

As Zheng Zhongwen said, when the green leaves of the flowers and trees turned yellow, the man-eating vines finally launched a counterattack, and dark red vines rushed out of the ground, stretching towards them.

They raised their swords, raised them high, and then lowered them heavily, slashing at the tentacles protruding from the mud. The scene was tingling and shocking.

The fire under the flower tree is still burning, and the leaves on the flower tree have changed from withered yellow to dark brown, and the originally thick and healthy trunk has become dry and scorched.

But the poisonous tentacles are still coming out from the ground continuously, Zheng Zhongwen shouted: "Everyone hold on, as long as that flower tree dies, these man-eating vines will also perish."

Even though they were exhausted, they could hear Zheng Zhongwen's cry, and they still rallied again, using human bravery and wisdom to defeat evil.

(End of this chapter)

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