Chapter 1077 Ginseng

Chapter 1091

As the flower tree gradually withered, the tentacles that kept rising from the ground gradually decreased, until the last tentacle was cut off by Sima Changfeng's sword, and the flower tree fell, and it was about to go out when it fell there. In the fire, the weak flames flickered and jumped again.

When the flower tree is burning, it emits a burst of pungent stench, as if burning a rotten carrion.

The few plants that originally shaded the flowering tree from the sun also began to wilt, and the huge green leaves kept shrinking and shrinking. . .

When the flowers and trees were burned out, the surrounding plants almost withered, surrounded by a piece of scorched earth.

They gathered a lot of dry firewood and burned all the poisonous tentacles without leaving any.

Thick smoke billowed from the peaceful forest, and while the tentacles were burning, they circled the small lake in a circle. They didn't see anything like man-eating vines before they felt relieved.

Wang Laoer still dare not relax, he doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to leave this ghost place quickly, but at the same time, he knows that these people will never give up until they find the thousand-year-old ginseng.

He looked at the cage that he had been holding in his hand, and the red ginseng rabbit was still thrashing about in the cage, which proved that what they were looking for was right here.

Wang Laoer took out a little red ginseng rabbit from the cage, and put it on the ground. The little red ginseng rabbit ran away, and ran to the scorched earth where the flower tree had just been burned, where an emerald green plant grew. It bites the stems and leaves as soon as it opens its mouth, and eats up those emerald green leaves.

Wang Laoer took out his tools and dug carefully. Sure enough, he dug out a ginseng of very good quality. It was also very fat, but I don't know if it was a thousand years old.

"Is this a thousand-year-old ginseng?" Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly took the ginseng from his hand.

Wang Laoer shook his head: "I don't know if it's a thousand-year-old ginseng, but it's definitely the best and finest ginseng I've ever seen."

Zheng Zhongwen handed the ginseng to the imperial physician. After careful examination, the imperial physician shook his head: "Although this ginseng is good, it is not a thousand-year-old ginseng. It is still not ready."

At this time, Wang Laoer said: "No hurry, there is another chance." His eyes fell on the cage in his hand, and the red ginseng rabbit inside was still thumping, and the thumping was even stronger than before.

Wang Laoer hurriedly released the little red ginseng rabbit. The little guy didn't go anywhere else. He also came to the place where the little red ginseng rabbit had eaten ginseng leaves just now, sniffed it vigorously with its pink nose, and immediately Use its slender little arms to plan and pull hard.

Wang Laoer was taken aback, "Could it be that there is ginseng in it?"

He stepped forward, lifted the little red ginseng rabbit away, and dug up the entire layer of soil with all his strength. He was stunned by the sight in front of him. . .

Sure enough, there was ginseng in it, not only ginseng, but also many ginseng, and it was a ginseng he had never seen before. Its skin was like pearls and jade, and its beard was as long as an arm.

He dug the ginseng out of the soil one by one, and the ginseng came out of the mud without being stained with a speck of mud, as clean as jade.

After Wang Laoer dug all the ginseng away, Zheng Zhongwen went to the pothole to check, and saw that the potholes were arranged in an orderly manner, which really didn't look like a natural growth, and if it was a natural growth, there would be so many. Ginseng grows in the same place.

"Wang Er Er, have you seen such a situation before?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Wang Laoer shook his head: "Don't say you've seen it before, but you've never heard of it. It's unbelievable."

(End of this chapter)

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