Chapter 1079 Repeat
Chapter 1093

She felt that her body was falling, falling continuously, falling into the cold darkness. She heard a noisy sound not far away, which relieved her very uneasy mood a little. Hei, his hand touched the icy cold wall, and he followed the sound step by step. After walking for an unknown amount of time, there were finally dots of light in front of him. As he continued to move forward, the light became more and more dazzling.

Passing through the bright curtain, she found herself in a palace room, an extremely familiar palace room.

She saw Tian Qi tied to a pillar, saw her father, queen and queen lying in a pool of blood, looked at Chu Lian with a cruel smile, and stared fiercely at the door of the hall.

She clutched her chest, feeling pain and helpless, she wanted to untie the rope that bound Tianqi, but found that her hands couldn't touch anything.

He could only watch helplessly as Tianqi's small body trembled with anger and fear.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the entrance of the hall, and she saw the brilliance in Tianqi's eyes, she looked back, and saw herself striding forward, holding a long sword, the tip of which was still dripping with blood.

Everything was repeated, every sentence, every knife she received was repeated again.

She could even feel the pain on her skin, as well as Tian Qi's despair and sadness when he watched his sister die tragically.

A gust of wind blew, chilling her heart, causing her illusory body to lift off the ground, and took her away from this bloody palace.

When she landed, she appeared in Zhongwen's room in the Yongping Hou Mansion.

Zhongwen was lying on the couch in the room with his eyes closed, and his father and mother were talking to him around the bed.

"Zhongwen, the eldest princess is gone, what's the use of being so sad?"

"Zhongwen, you have to remember that you are not just Zheng Zhongwen, you are also the heir of the Yongping Hou Mansion, our son!"

"Zhongwen, you can't be so willful, you are a man, a man should be able to afford it and let it go."

"Zhongwen, you are going to kill your parents. Your parents are only your son. If something happens to you, how can we live?"

It turned out that at that time, Zhongwen had already had a deep-rooted love for her, but she didn't know anything.

When the wind picked up again, she came to another place, a simple small house, and she saw herself who had become Qi Rongyue lying on the bed with a pale face.

Zhongwen was only wearing a jacket, standing in the cold wind outside the door, shivering with cold, but he did not enter the house in a hurry, but waited for his body to cool completely before returning to the house and climbing up to the house. He got out of the bed where she was lying, and hugged her hot body with high fever in his arms, and used his current cold body temperature to help her reduce the high fever as soon as possible.

Repeatedly like this, until the cold invaded his body and he coughed continuously.

That time, when she woke up and saw that he was sick, she even made fun of him for being weak. It turned out that he was sick to save her.

The wind picked up again, her figure floated up and down again, this time, she returned to the Yongping Marquis Mansion, oh, now it is the Yongding Duke Mansion.

This seems to be Zhongwen's study room. At that time, she was far away in the Zhou Dynasty, and Zhongwen had completely forgotten all the things between them.

Zhongwen frowned, sitting at the desk writing and drawing, she approached, looked at the person he painted, her eyes were hot, he was drawing her, even though he forgot everything, he still remembered her I remember her appearance so clearly, even what hairstyle she wears and what kind of clothes she wears.

(End of this chapter)

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