Chapter 1080

Chapter 1094

Just like, when she was pregnant with reading, when she missed him in Jincheng, she would also draw a picture of him to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

She stretched out her hand, trying to touch his face, but she didn't touch him, but he seemed to feel something, and looked around with confused eyes: "Who was calling my name just now?"

Sangui, who was studying ink at the side, shook his head: "My lord, you heard it wrong, I didn't hear anything."

"is it?"

When the wind picked up again, her body left uncontrollably again, and when she opened her eyes again, it was two years later.

She has returned to the palace with Zhongwen, and lived a comfortable life. He hugged his daughter and ran wildly in the garden. Her daughter's laughter was clear and sweet. She sat aside and watched, smiling from ear to ear. , with curved eyebrows and only a ray of starlight shining through her eyes.

Suddenly, there was another gust of wind, and she didn't want to leave, she rushed forward desperately, trying to hold Zhongwen and her daughter's hand, but Zhongwen and her daughter ran farther and farther away, and the gust of wind became faster and faster fierce.

Her body flew up into the sky uncontrollably, and fell into darkness. There were ghosts crying and howling wolves around her. Her eyes were pitch black, and she couldn't see her fingers.

What the hell is this place?What is wrong with me?do you died?
What happened to those memories just now?Why is it so real?It's like fate is reincarnating all over again.

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out in the darkness, a pair of bloody hands: "Chu Tianyu, you are finally here, do you know how long I have been waiting for you?"

Those bloody hands grabbed her suddenly and dragged her away.

"Chu Tianxin? Aren't you dead?"

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Chu Tianxin's pale and terrifying face: "Of course I'm dead, otherwise why would I be here? Aren't you the same?"

She pushed Chu Tianxin away with all her strength: "I am different from you, I will not die, I will never die." Her Zhongwen and Nianwen are still at home waiting for her to go back, how could she die?How can she die?
Beside Chu Tianxin, another person appeared, tall and fierce, "Chu Tianyu, you are actually Chu Tianyu, tell me quickly, how can you come back from the dead? Tell me quickly."

Rong Yue frowned: "Chu Lian? You're here, yes, you're dead too, it's not unusual to be here."

She was stunned for a moment, her heart flustered: So, she died too?
"No, no, I will not die, I will never die." She shook her head, still refusing to believe that she was dead.

At this time, Yuan Dao's figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and Yuan Dao's pretty face was filled with anger: "Why are you here? Didn't that guy say he would take good care of you? Didn't he say that he loves you more than you?" Have you lived? Why did you come here, but he didn't come?"

"Yu'er, is Yu'er really you? You're finally here. The queen misses you so much."

At some point, the queen mother suddenly appeared in front of her and stretched out her hand.

How long has she not seen her mother?How long has it been since she heard the voice of her mother?

Her nose was sore for a while, and she also stretched out her hands, wanting to hold those beautiful and warm hands.

At this time, another figure appeared, standing between her and the queen mother, it was Xue'er.

Xueer's face turned pale, she shouted: "Sister, run quickly, close your eyes, don't look at anything, don't listen to anything, run fast, run as hard as you can, only in this way can you have a chance, sister, you Don't die, you can't die, take care of Jiao Er, help me take care of Jiao Er."

(End of this chapter)

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