Chapter 1082 Take Jiao Er Away
Chapter 1096

go home?She looked at Zhou An, would Zhou An let her go?Will he take the opportunity to attack Chu Chao?Will he provoke the war between Chu and Zhou dynasties again because of her?
Zhou An was ashamed, he sighed, and said: "Rong Yue, I was wrong in the past. I was too paranoid. I thought that if I like it, I must have it. If I think you are my queen, I must keep you." , knowing that you pretended to be someone else in your heart, knowing that you would never fall in love with me in your life, but I was—— I was wrong, a big mistake, the same mistake, I made it twice, and I will never make it again three times."

He took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his heart, and smiled wryly: "When you recover, go back, you don't have to live incognito anymore, I will write another letter of resignation and leave the country and send it to Chudu, and the alliance between the two dynasties The relationship remains unchanged, as long as I am in power, the Chu and Zhou dynasties will never fight."

With his promise, Rong Yue and Zhong Wen were very happy. They had ten thousand ways to escape from the palace, but they couldn't stop the fate of the two countries going to war. Now that they got Zhou An's promise, they can leave here with peace of mind.

Rong Yue pulled Zhongwen's arm and sat up, and said to Zhou An: "Zhou An, you and I met once, even though we don't have a relationship as a husband and wife, we have a close relationship, I beg you for one thing, please do it promise me."

Zhou An nodded: "Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

She said to Zhou An: "I want to take Jiao Er away. She has lost her mother. She must be struggling in this palace. Although he is your son, he has never received your father's love. If you don't love him, Just let it go, I promised Xueer, I promised her, I will help her take care of Jiaoer, please fulfill it."

This is what Zhou An had already expected. Xueer died, and Jiaoer became a child who lost his mother. No matter if he was raised by the concubine of that palace, it would be better to be raised by Rongyue. Although he and Jiaoer have no father-son relationship , but that was his son after all, and he also hoped that Jiao Er would become a useful person in the future.

He nodded: "Okay, I promise you, but I also have a request."

Rong Yue nodded: "You say."

"I hope that he will not forget his identity. He will always be the eldest prince of this week's palace. If there is a chance in the future, I hope to visit him in Chudu."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, he didn't want to see this guy again, not at all.

But Rong Yue nodded: "Okay, of course, you are his father after all, I think he can see you, he can know that you still miss him, he will be happy too."

Everything was settled like this, two hours later, Jiao Er was sent to the Hall of Mercy and Harmony, but in just a few days, little Jiao Er's round cheeks lost a lot of weight.

His little chin was pointed, his face was haggard, and his black grape-like eyes looked around as soon as he entered the hall. He ran to Rongyue's bed and asked in tears, "Auntie, where is the mother concubine? Jiao Er wants the mother concubine. Son wants mother and concubine."

Rong Yue hugged him into her arms, her tears couldn't stop falling down: "Good boy, Jiao Er is a good boy, Jiao Er must remember that the mother and concubine have traveled a long way to make Jiao Er grow up healthily and happily." Far away, I pray and bless Jiao Er every day and night, hoping that Jiao Er can grow up happily and become a useful and promising man."

Jiao Er is still too young, he can't understand these things, he only knows that he wants a mother, only knows that he wants a mother.

Jiao Er cried for a while, and finally fell asleep in Rong Yue's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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