Chapter 1083

Chapter 1097

Seeing the child's sleeping face, she burst into tears: "What should I do? How should I face this child?" Xue'er died because of her, because of her!
Zheng Zhongwen hugged her and the child into his arms together: "Don't cry, Yue'er, don't cry, Xue'er is alive in heaven, she definitely doesn't want you to be sad for her, the best way for us to repay her is to take good care of her." Son, treat him as her own, and let her have no regrets and no worries."

Seven days later, when Rong Yue returned to the court, she and Zhou An's and Li Guoshu had already been sent to Chudu. Chu Tianqi knew that they would return safely, and the fists he had clenched day and night finally loosened. My sister left a message telling him not to send troops. His cavalry from the Chu Dynasty must have stepped into the territory of the Zhou Dynasty.

This time when he returned to the court, Chu Tianqi did not greet him quietly like the last time. He led all the civil and military officials ten miles outside the city to welcome the Princess Hu and the king back to the court.

Only now did the dignitaries in Beijing, civil and military officials know that Chu Yue who was married to the side-by-side king was Qi Rongyue who 'died' in the Zhou Dynasty. She came back and brought back a Zhou Dynasty the little prince.

It is absolutely rare for hundreds of officials to go out to welcome such a battle. The last time a hundred officials went out to welcome the emperor to return to the court, but this time, it is to welcome the princess of the country and the side-by-side king to return to the court. The emperor is conveying to everyone A meaning.

A meaning that everyone knows well.

Zheng Guogong and his wife stood with the emperor holding the text, this is a signal, everyone can see it clearly.

Zheng Zhongwen turned over and got off the horse, and supported Rong Yue's hand to step down from the carriage. In her hand, she was also holding a child.

In front of civil and military officials, in front of the emperor, she hugged Jiao Er, while Zheng Zhongwen hugged and read Wen, just like a family of four.

They are also conveying a meaning, they want people in the whole capital, and even the whole world, to know that Zhou Jiao is someone they value and love, even though he is not their own, he is better than his own.

Side by side with the palace
Zhou Jiao was sitting on the swing in the garden in a daze, and Linger next to him looked worried. They had been here for seven whole days, but Prince Jiao was still exactly the same as when he first came here. He was either arguing for his mother every day, or sitting in a daze, listless of.

At this time, a slender figure came running from far to near. The little girl stood in front of the swing, looked up at the unhappy boy, tilted her head and said, "Brother Jiao, why are you unhappy?"

Zhou Jiao glanced at her and said nothing.

She smiled sweetly, there seemed to be light shining in her black eyes, and the two dimples at the corners of her mouth were very sweet. She raised her little hand behind her back, and in it was a bunch of beautiful candied haws: "Brother Jiao, this is my mother." I made it dear, it’s delicious, do you want it?”

Zhou Jiao swallowed, he had eaten candied haws before, he knew the taste of candied haws, the bunch of candied haws in front of him seemed more attractive than the ones he had eaten before.

She took another step forward, her small body trying to lift up the candied haws: "Brother Jiao, do you want it?"

Zhou Jiao finally nodded, and Linger carried him off the swing, stood in front of her, and took the candied haws from her hand.

She smiled sweeter: "Brother Jiao, I'm Wen'er, you call me Sister Wen, from now on we play together every day, okay?"

Zhou Jiao suddenly felt that the sun had become particularly bright. Looking at her smile, the gloom in his heart gradually dissipated, and he nodded heavily: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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