Chapter 1084

Chapter 1098

Standing behind the bushes, Rong Yue and Zhong Wen were relieved to see Jiao Er finally smile. The best and most direct way to let the child forget his troubles is to find him a playmate, someone who can let him play. happy playmate.

He put his arms around Rong Yue's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "When will we have another one? Make this garden more lively."

She didn't answer his words, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is my junior brother's full moon banquet, I want to go there earlier to help entertain the guests, and you will come with me."

Zhongwen laughed: "You let Tangtang and the shoulder-to-shoulder king go to Wanfu to entertain guests?"

She snorted softly: "What's the matter with the king's hospitality? I'm still the princess protecting the country."


The next day, Wanfu.

Jian Yun originally wanted to hold a full moon banquet for his son in a low-key way, but who knows, the arrival of Rong Yue and Zhong Wen made the Wanfu immediately lively. Squeezing, scrambling to give gifts to build relationships, gave her a headache.

She was holding the child, receiving one after another the unfamiliar guests, her face was almost frozen with laughter.

The child was also disturbed by the constant noise and cried, and it was useless to coax him.

At this moment, Xiao Nianwen and Jiao Er ran in, and when they heard the baby's crying, they moved forward curiously.

After reading the text with Jian Yun for a while, she was very close to her. She touched Jian Yun's belly curiously: "Grandma, where's your big belly?"

Jian Yun laughed, and pointed to the child in his arms: "here is the big belly, he will be your little uncle from now on."

Nianwen blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Grandma, what does little uncle mean?"

Jian Yun reached out and tapped her nose, and said with a smile: "Young Master Uncle is Little Master Uncle, you will know when you grow up."

He nodded his head half-understood the text, and looked at the crying little guy.

The little guy was white and tender, with a pair of small hands waving wildly in the air, crying endlessly with his toothless mouth open.

Xiao Nianwen stretched out his hand to hold the little guy's little hand, and said with a smile: "Little master, don't cry, do you want to eat candied haws? My mother's candied haws are delicious."

The little guy stopped crying immediately, with crystal teardrops hanging from the corners of his eyes, he stared straight at the little girl in front of him, and suddenly grinned, very happily.

Jian Yun was overjoyed: "You little thing, you will recognize a beautiful woman at such a young age. You have never smiled like this when you saw your mother."

Jiao Er on the side suddenly felt a little lost. Sister Wen'er was originally his playmate, so why did she suddenly have a junior uncle who came to fight him?He is a little unhappy.

He angrily turned around and knelt down. Seeing this, Jian Yun hurriedly read to Wen and said, "Wen'er, hurry up and chase Jiao Er, and tell him not to run around. There are many people today, so don't get lost."

Wen'er hurriedly chased it out, and a white shadow also flashed out, following Wen'er all the time.

Jiao Er was not familiar with Wan Mansion, he forgot the way back as soon as he went out, so he had to bite the bullet and walk blindly, he came to a garden, there were many people in the garden, he was a little scared, so he went there Walking where there are people, the more I walk, the more panic I feel, as if I can't find the way back.

After all, he was just a child, and he felt scared in his heart. He pouted his mouth and planned to cry, but before the tears fell and his mouth didn't open, a young woman walked up to him and asked him, "Little brother, can you find me?" Is there any family?"

Jiao Er looked up and looked at the woman with thick makeup in front of him, smelling the pungent fragrance of makeup, he sneezed loudly and sprayed the woman's face with snot and saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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