Chapter 1088

Chapter 1102

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "The one behind you, what are you doing in hiding? Did you do something wrong?"

Song Mingjiang looked back, Qi Rongxue really lowered his head, his complexion turned pale again, he asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

Qi Rongxue smiled dryly: "No, it's nothing." She lowered her eyes, concealing the emptiness in her eyes, and bowed: "I have seen the prince."

Zheng Zhongwen stared at her coldly, without going around in circles, and said directly: "Have you been here just now?"

I've been here, of course I've been here, she regrets being here now, it would be great if I hadn't been here.

She shook her head: "I haven't been here."

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes fell on the woman who had identified the woman in green before. The woman also looked puzzled. She just glanced at it from a distance, but she didn't see it clearly. Now she was asked to identify it, but she couldn't identify it.

Song Mingjiang looked puzzled, and asked Zheng Zhongwen: "My lord, what happened?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Just now, just now, this king's daughter, and Prince Jiao of the Zhou Dynasty, were pushed into the water and almost lost their lives."

So he's looking for the murderer now?
Song Mingjiang's heart skipped a beat, thinking of Qi Rongxue's sudden appearance in the front hall just now, with a pale and anxious look on his face, he secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong, if Qi Rongxue was the one who pushed the little Princess and Prince Jiao into the water, then not only Qi Rongxue will be in bad luck, and even the entire Wuchang Marquis Mansion will be in bad luck.

Before he could come up with a countermeasure, the little princess and Prince Jiao who had already changed into clean clothes had come to the garden again.

As soon as the figure of the little princess appeared, a white shadow swept over her one step ahead. Before everyone could see its appearance clearly, the white shadow pounced on Qi Rongxue's body, scratching her face fiercely with its sharp claws , leaving its claw marks on that pale face.

Qi Rongxue screamed and covered her face, trying to shake the little white beast away, but she couldn't even touch the little white beast's fur.

Song Mingjiang stepped forward to help, but he couldn't catch the little white beast no matter what. He watched Rong Xue's delicate and beautiful face, bloody and bloody from being caught.

Zheng Zhongwen looked on coldly and didn't say a word until Nianwen called out to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, come back." Xiaobai then returned to Nianwen's side.

Qi Rongxue fell to the ground, covered her face and howled, she yelled: "Is this the way your Wan family treats guests? We are here as guests, and you actually connive at a beast to harm me."

Qi Rongyue, who had been watching coldly, stepped forward, her beautiful eyes focused on Qi Rongxue who was in a mess, and asked word by word: "Do you know why it only hurts you but not others?"

Qi Rongxue shook her body and did not speak. She remembered Qi Rongyue's warning to her earlier. She failed to do so, and her father died because of it. She was also almost detained in the Zhou Dynasty and could not return. The two countries even almost went to war. And the origin of all this is her.

Rong Yue said: "Because Xiaobai knows who killed her master, when you pushed their two children into the water, did you think about the consequences?"

Song Mingjiang's legs went limp and he almost collapsed, so it really was her?Is it really her?
"My lord, princess, I think there must be some misunderstanding here, Rong Xue has always liked children, why, how could she do such a thing, this, this is absolutely impossible!"

Song Mingjiang's body began to tremble uncontrollably. He knew what would happen to him and the entire Marquis of Wuchang if Rongxue was found guilty of murdering the princess and Prince Jiao.

(End of this chapter)

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