Chapter 1089 Framing
Chapter 1103

"Impossible? Mr. Song means that we framed her for nothing?" Rong Yue tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, Qi Rongxue repeatedly pierced her bottom line, looking for death and having no one to blame.

Zheng Zhongwen picked up his daughter and said loudly: "Wen'er, tell me, who pushed you into the water?"

Nian Wen pointed to Qi Rongxue who was trembling on the ground, and said crisply: "Father, it's her, she is so fierce, Wen'er is so scared."

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Jiao Er who was standing beside him again: "Jiao Er, is that her?"

Jiao Er also nodded: "Well, she called me immature and even pushed us into the water. It was Xiaobai who pulled me up."

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at Song Mingjiang with cold eyes: "Did you hear clearly? How can such a young child tell lies?"

Song Mingjiang hates it, he just wants to tear this bitch up with his hands, causing him such misery, now the entire Marquis of Wuchang Mansion is over, everything is over.

Seeing that Song Mingjiang didn't speak, Zheng Zhongwen said to the guard beside him: "Take him to Dali Temple first, this king will personally report this matter to the emperor, how to deal with it is up to the emperor to decide."

Qi Rongxue knew that she was finished, completely finished, she cried and begged Rongyue to let her go, let her go, her original delicate makeup turned into a mess, her hair was messed up, her face was covered with blood, her clothes were scratched by Xiaobai, and she was like on the street. The Crazy Woman is no different.

Song Mingjiang had never seen Qi Rongxue like this before. In addition to resentment, there was more disgust in his heart. He even hoped that he would never see her again in his life.

Qi Rongxue refused to obediently leave with the guards, she broke free from the guards' grasp, rushed to Song Mingjiang's side, knelt down in front of him, and hugged his thigh tightly: "Husband save me, husband save me, I was wronged, I was really wronged, I didn't do anything, it was she who wanted to kill me, it was really just her who wanted to kill me." Her father had already died in the prison of the Zhou Dynasty, and her mother was guarding the prison. The idiot doesn't know life or death, her uncle's family has cut off contact with her long ago, and the only thing she can count on now is her husband.

Song Mingjiang was full of anger and anger, he could no longer feel any pity for her, kicked her away, and said angrily: "Bitch, you still don't know how to repent, do you know how big a mistake you have made?"

Because of her delusional thoughts, she not only harmed herself, but also the entire Marquis of Wuchang, how should he explain to his father.

Qi Rongxue was dragged away, and he had no intention of staying any longer, so he left and hurried back to Wuchang Marquis Mansion to discuss countermeasures with his family.

It was a good full moon banquet, but just like this, Qi Rongxue broke up unhappy.

After the guests were gone, Zheng Zhongwen said to the guards around him: "Go to Dali Temple and let them know how to treat the prisoner who has just been sent in. But remember, you must always keep her alive, let her repent all the time, and Mistakes made today."

The guards took the order and went, and he suppressed the evil spirit all over his body just now, turned around and went to the south courtyard.

Jian Yun also just found out about this, and even though seeing that the two children were fine, she was terrified: "I never expected that this Qi Rongxue would sneak into the Wan Mansion and almost kill Nian Wen and Jiao Er, this woman, Up to now, I don’t know how to repent, and it’s not an exaggeration to scratch my skin.”

When Mr. Wan heard her words, his hair stood on end, and he hurriedly said, "Don't say such scary things in front of the child."

Zhong Wen glanced at Nian Wen and Jiao Er at the side, and said, "Go out and play, don't go far, just play in this yard."

(End of this chapter)

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