Chapter 1090 Her Creation
Chapter 1104

After the child went out, Jian Yun told the maids in the house: "You all go down too."

Rong Yue looked at Zhong Wen: "Do you have anything to say?"

Zhongwen nodded: "I was looking for Wen'er in the lotus pond earlier, and I found a strange thing. Wen'er didn't seem to be drowning at the bottom of the water, but more like playing under the water. She seemed to be able to breathe freely under the water. Didn't you Did you notice? When she got ashore, she didn't even choke on a sip of water."

Rong Yue nodded: "That's true. I thought it was strange at the time, but because there were so many people at that time, I didn't ask more questions."

Jian Yun was amazed when he heard this, thought about it, and said: "It seems that the child born to you two not only has the ability to heal wounds, but also can breathe underwater, which is really amazing."

Mr. Wan was even more shocked from ear to ear: "Is there such a miracle in this world?"

Jian Yun gave him a white look: "You haven't seen it, so why make such a fuss about such a strange thing, Rong Yue and Zhong Wen are people who have really experienced life and death, they are different from ordinary people, they have both been exposed to the cold Thanks to Jiao's life-saving grace, it is not impossible for the child born from the union of the two to inherit some of Han Jiao's abilities."

The cold dragon was born in the water, and its dragon beads and dragon pills have the effect of bringing people back to life. In this way, it is not unacceptable for Wen'er to have such an ability.

Jian Yun said with a smile: "Wen'er's ability to have such abilities is her good fortune. Don't think too much about it. If she can make good use of these abilities in the future, her life will definitely be very exciting."

Jian Yun glanced at the husband and wife, and said with a smile: "I think Wen'er and my Kun'er are very destined, why not leave her and Jiao Er with me, and I will teach them martial arts and medical skills. I'm still young, how about having a few more?"

Rong Yue blushed, and said angrily: "Master, what are you talking about, how many more are you going to give birth to, do you think I'm a sow?"

Jane Yun said: "You, don't be shy, you are obviously very happy, and you can't wait."

Being demolished by her master like this, Rong Yue felt ashamed, but she was helpless, who made her the master, the master made up his mind to make her happy, so she could only bear it.

Zheng Zhongwen smiled and said: "The master is so sympathetic to the disciple, the disciple is very grateful, then it is settled, Wen He and Jiao Er will live in Wanfu forever, and Rong Yue and I will visit them every ten days."

Kun'er, who was lying in her swaddling baby, seemed to be very happy, smiling very happily, waving her chubby hands in the air, she was very happy.


Five years later

"My lord, my concubine, there is a man outside the mansion asking to see him." The butler told the young couple who were sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun.

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Surname Zhou? Did he say where he came from?"

The butler shook his head: "I didn't say it, but judging by the clothes, I don't think they are locals." '

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Rongyue beside him, and Rongyue also looked at him, and the two looked at each other and smiled: "It seems that there are friends coming from afar."

"Invite him to come in." Zhongwen got up, supported Rongyue with one hand, and sighed: "He doesn't come early or late, but he comes at this time. You are about to give birth, so he has to give you a gift." Wouldn't it be a great gift?"

Rong Yue rubbed her belly and said with a smile: "Will he, the majestic Lord of the Zhou Dynasty, be reluctant to part with this congratulatory gift? You think him too stingy."

(End of this chapter)

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