Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1091 Father Doesn't even Recognize

Chapter 1091 Father Doesn't even Recognize

Chapter 1105

The husband and wife came to the front hall to meet the guests while talking interesting things.

Zhou An heard the footsteps, turned around quickly, and saw Zheng Zhongwen walking slowly, supporting the charming and beautiful Rong Yue, who was as beautiful as before, but potbellied.

He concealed the bitterness in his eyes, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to be so unfortunate, it's just when you are inconvenient."

Zhongwen waved his hand: "It's okay, I'll be with her all day long, there's nothing convenient or inconvenient, I'm here for everything."

Rong Yue sat down at the main seat, and said to Zhou An: "It's really a coincidence that you came today. Jiao Er and Wen Er just returned to my master yesterday. They have been taught by my master for the past few years. If you are in a hurry to see He, I can send someone to show you right away."

Zhou An had heard about this earlier, and now he heard it from Rong Yue, he was relieved, and said with a smile: "Master Jian's name has been spread all over the world, it is Jiao Er's blessing to be able to worship her as a teacher."

Zhong Wen shook his head: "No, no, no, Jiao Er didn't pay homage to the teacher, and the master didn't plan to take any more apprentices. She taught them not in the name of a master, but only as grandchildren."

Zhou An thinks about it too, Rong Yue is her disciple, if she accepts Wen'er again, wouldn't her generation be messed up?

Zhong Wen said again: "But Jiao Er insisted on being a teacher, so I asked him to worship Rong Yue as his teacher and respect the master as his master."

Zhou An was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Okay, very good."

His eyes fell on Rong Yue again, seeing that her face was more eye-catching than before, he knew that she must be living a very good life, but she was not like when she was in Zhou Palace, she was getting more and more haggard day by day. The more defeated flowers.

Sure enough, a woman is that delicate flower, and it needs to be nourished by a loving man by her side in order to bloom more and more beautifully.

Zhongwen frowned, this guy, is he pretending that he doesn't exist?Dare to stare at his wife casually in front of him, he coughed, and said: "There is nothing left and right, I will take you to see Jiao Er now, there must be a lot of affairs in the Zhou Dynasty, so it is okay for you to come out this time." It’s not easy, if you finish reading it earlier, you’d better go back sooner, don’t you think?”

Zhou An smiled dryly, knew what he meant, and smiled secretly in his heart, but he didn't want to just fulfill his wish like this: "Everything in the palace has been arranged, I plan to stay for a longer time when I come this time, I think your palace is not bad. , how about I live in this palace for a while?"

Zhongwen immediately changed his face, and pulled his face to the elder: "No, your suggestion is terrible. Although my palace is big, there are no vacant rooms. You should go to an inn outside. It's really not possible. Just live in Wanfu, and get along with Jiao Er a lot, so that he doesn't even recognize you as a father."

Seeing that the two of them got into a fight as soon as they met, Rong Yue was also helpless, and sighed: "Talk slowly, I'll go back and have a rest, I'm very tired."

Zhong Wen hurriedly stepped forward to support her, then turned to Zhou An and said, "Wait a little longer, I'll send her back to her room and come over."

Seeing the backs of the two clinging to each other gradually drifting away, he sighed a long time, such a bland happiness, what a wonderful taste it must be!
When they entered the Wanfu, Wen'er, Jiao'er, and Kun'er, who had just turned five years old, were sitting together in the pavilion in the garden. Master Jian Yun was standing majestically in the pavilion with a book in one hand and a ruler in the other. The three little guys all kept their backs straight, their eyes were always looking at the books in front of them, and their expressions were serious.

Zhou An stared at his son. That small face looked more and more like himself. When he was studying, he didn't concentrate very much. His eyes glanced to the left and right from time to time. Sometimes it was reading on the left, and sometimes it was on the right. Kuner.

(End of this chapter)

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