Chapter 1092 Little Kuner

Chapter 1106

After Jian Yun stopped lecturing and stepped out of the pavilion, the two of them stepped forward.

Seeing Zhou An, Jian Yun's complexion immediately changed, and he didn't want to talk to him, so he just nodded, turned around and left, if he didn't care about Jiao Er's face, he would never have come in this Wanfu.

Zhou An knew Jian Yun's temperament, knew that she was still angry with him for being selfish and cruel, and didn't blame her, it was all caused by him.

Zhongwen led Zhou An to the pavilion. When Nianwen saw his father coming, he was very happy, and immediately jumped off the stone bench and threw himself into his arms: "Daddy, you can count yourself here. The master just said that you want to come." punish us."

Zhong Wen smiled and nodded his daughter's beautiful nose, and said with a smile: "Then it must be that the homework you did did not satisfy her, are you playful?"

Read the text and shook his head: "That's not true, Wen'er is not playful, it's all because of Brother Jiao, who wanted to sit between me and Kundi, but Kundi refused, so the two of them had a fight, and it happened that Master When I saw it, Master said he would punish the three of us, I was wronged, even more wronged than that Dou E."

Zhong Wen looked at Jiao Er curiously, and asked, "Jiao Er, why did you sit among them?"

Jiao Er looked at Wen'er, then glared at Kun'er, and said with a dark face, "Brother Kun always sits next to Wen'er, and always holds her hand, hmph, didn't your adults say that men and women are different? ? Of course I can't let him take advantage of Wen'er."

Wen'er pouted and said, "Brother Jiao, how many times have I told you to call me sister, why do you keep forgetting?"

Jiao Er wrapped her arms around her chest and snorted, "No, my aunt said, I was born a month earlier than you, you should call me brother, I don't want to call you sister."

Kun'er, who had been silent all this time, interjected quietly at this time: "Don't say that you are only a month older. With your childish appearance, even if you are a year older, you are still a younger brother."

Little Kun'er is only five years old, and she speaks old-fashioned, like a little adult who has eaten for countless years. Zhongwen and Zhou An are so funny. Watching the children quarrel and bicker is really interesting.

Nian Wen pointed to Zhou An who was behind Zhong Wen and asked, "Father, who is he? Why did he come with you?"

Jiao Er only discovered Zhou An's existence at this time. When he was sent here, he was only two years old. At this time, he didn't recognize Zhou An at all. He only felt a faint familiarity. Looking at his eyebrows and eyes, he had no reason in his heart. There was a wave of fear.

Zhong Wen said to Jiao Er: "Jiao Er, do you still recognize him?"

Jiao Er shook her head: "I don't know, who is he?"

Zhou An's smile gradually disappeared, and his heart ached. His son, his own flesh and blood, did not know each other.

Kun'er at the side only glanced at Zhou An, and then said: "This should be the king of the Zhou Dynasty, His Majesty the King of Zhou, your father, Zhou An."

Zhongwen was obviously used to Kun'er's way of speaking, and he didn't think it was strange, but Zhou An was very curious. This child was only four or five years old, but he always spoke like an adult, with eyes It is also different from the Lingche of ordinary children.

Jiao Er was taken aback, then looked at Zhou An blankly, and then at Zheng Zhongwen: "Uncle, is this true? Is he really my father?"

Zhongwen nodded, let go of Nianwen who was in his arms, walked up to Jiao Er, and pulled him off the stone bench: "Go, go for a walk with Uncle."

Zhou Jiao is already seven years old, and he knows a lot of things. He has always known his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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