Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1093 Where is Wen'er, I will be there.

Chapter 1093 Where is Wen'er, I will be there.

Chapter 1107

He thought that he would never see this nominal father again, he thought that his father didn't even remember that he was his son.

Walking on the path in the garden, Zhongwen stopped suddenly, let go of Zhou Jiao's hand, stroked his soft black hair, and said with a faint smile, "Jiao Er, your father came from a thousand miles away, just In order to see you, you guys have to talk a lot."

After Zhong Wen said that, he turned around and nodded to Zhou An who had been following behind, and then walked away.

Zhou An walked up to his son, squatted down, and wanted to straighten his slightly wrinkled collar.

Before his hand touched his collar, Jiao Er quickly took two steps back and distanced himself from him, obviously not used to his touch, even though he was his father.

Zhou An smiled wryly: "Jiao Er, it seems that you really don't remember your father."

Zhou Jiao frowned: "Since you are my father and king, why did you send me here instead of letting me stay by your side?" Every child has their own parents, but he only has aunts and uncles.

Zhou An sighed: "Some things are not suitable for you to tell you now. When you grow up, you will naturally know. Jiao Er, are you willing to go back with me?"

Jiao Er asked, "Go back? Where to go?"

"Go home, go back to your original home." Five years since Rongyue left, he has not taken another concubine, nor is he interested in pampering any woman. In the palace, there are only two princesses and no prince.

Jiao Er is his only son and will be the sole heir of the Zhou Dynasty. He intends to make Jiao Er the crown prince.

Jiao Er shook her head without thinking, "No, I don't want to go." '

Zhou An asked, "Why?"

Jiao Er said: "Where there is Wen'er, it is home. Wherever Wen'er is, I will be there."

Zhou An was taken aback, looking at Jiao Er, who was not tall in front of him, he was only seven years old.

"Jiao Er, do you like Wen Er?" He looked at his son in surprise. Does such a young child know how to like girls?
Jiao Er nodded: "Yes, I like Wen'er, and I will never leave Wen'er."

In Jiao Er's eyes, he didn't see the lingering affection between adults, but the pure dependence between children.

He and Wen'er have been together since they were two years old, and they have been together for five full years. They can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. It is reasonable for him to be reluctant to leave Wen'er.

"You really don't want to leave with your father?" He asked again.

Jiao Er nodded: "I will not leave Wen'er, never will." His tone was stubborn and his expression was firm, Zhou An seemed to see his former self, his persistent love for a woman, and he firmly believed that there would be good results for each other.

He smiled wryly: "I really didn't expect that the fate of the previous generation would continue in the next generation. I really don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Jiao Er didn't understand: "Father, what did you say?"

Zhou An shook his head: "It's nothing, I didn't say anything, since you don't want to leave with me, then stay and do whatever you want, while there is still time and a lot of time, don't let yourself stay Sorry."

Jiao Er seems to understand, but he understands one thing, his father will not force him to return to Zhou, he is very happy, he does not have to leave Wen'er.

In the gazebo, Kun'er frowned and looked at the girl beside her, and sighed, "Wen'er, you are already seven years old, do you know what the difference between men and women is?"

Wen'er said: "There is a difference between men and women. It means that men and women have different meanings. What else can it mean? You're pretending to be deep again, so just speak up if you have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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