Chapter 1094 Call Me Master Uncle

Chapter 1108

Kun'er snorted, and put on the appearance that I am the elder: "Since you know that men and women are different, then you shouldn't always throw yourself into the arms of the prince. You need to know that you don't need daddy any more." The little baby you hold in your arms all the time, you have grown up."

Wen'er cut it, her pretty little face was full of contempt: "I really don't know what you're thinking about all day long, I'm throwing myself into my father's arms, what's bothering you? It's different from men and women What can it matter? If it is true that men and women are different, the master said that men and women sit at different seats at the age of seven, so shouldn't I also sit at the same table with you and study?"

Kun'er glanced at her, and said calmly: "You are seven years old, and Zhou Jiao is also seven years old. You really shouldn't sit at the same table to study, let alone eat at the same table, and you shouldn't ride in the same carriage, but I can." , I am not seven years old, I am five years old."

Wen'er widened her beautiful eyes, and said in disbelief: "Brother Kun, your skin is three inches thicker. If you go on like this, it will be thicker than the city wall."

Wan Kun snorted again: "How many times have I told you, you are not allowed to call me Brother Kun. Although I am very helplessly younger than you by two years, my seniority is higher than yours. In terms of seniority, you have to call me Master." uncle."

Wen'er snorted, and said angrily: "You think beautifully, you want me to call you a little uncle, it's a dream." She turned her pretty head away, ignored him, and concentrated on her homework in front of her.

She wasn't such a studious person before, she was very playful, but since she studied medicine with this little uncle, the talent of the little uncle is simply against the sky. She and Zhou Jiao need to learn the content for a month, and this Wan Kun only It takes three days to learn, and, moreover, he is only five years old! !
Therefore, she was eager to win, and she was unwilling to lose to a kid who was two years younger than her.

Kun'er, who had been keeping a small face all this time, suddenly looked sideways at Wen'er beside her, and saw that her face was flushed, her eyes were staring at the scroll in front of her seriously, her white and tender fingers were pinching the dark yellow pages, she was cute and attractive, I really want to take a bite.

He suddenly bent his lips into a smile, bright and warm enough to melt people's hearts.

A maid came into the pavilion with some refreshments, just happened to see this scene, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Young master can laugh, this is the first time I've seen you." Although her young master is young, he speaks and does things like nothing else. A little old man, with a straight face all day long, can't laugh, can't get angry, as if he was born with no emotions, it's really strange to see him smiling at the little princess at this time.

The smile on Kuner's face dissipated immediately, and she returned to her usual seriousness.

As soon as the maid put down the tea, she raised her eyes to look at her young master again, only to find that her young master was also looking at her with cold eyes, she couldn't help trembling, and laughed dryly: "Your servant is talking too much, next time, oh no , there will be no next time, and I ask you to spare the slave this time."

Just after reading the text, he didn't care about what the maid said at all. Seeing her begging for mercy with a white face, he asked curiously: "What's wrong? Did you say anything just now?"

Kun'er's face softened slightly, and she waved her hand at the maid: "Back off, don't talk too much in the future, just do your part."

The maid stepped back in a hurry, her back was wet and cold.

Reading the text looked at the back of the maid who went away, and asked curiously: "What did she say just now? It's so strange that it can make you angry."

Wan Kun glanced at her sideways, and said in a low voice: "If you want to know so much, you should be more careful next time. Don't be too focused on anything you do. You should always pay attention to what happens around you. Really, my mother taught me Is it all in vain to teach you for so long?"

(End of this chapter)

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