Chapter 1096
Chapter 1110

"Wen'er, should we go back? If the master finds out, he will definitely be angry." Zhou Jiao grabbed Nianwen with a worried expression on his face.

Nian Wen waved her hand: "Master will not be angry. Master loves me the most on weekdays. I just went out for a while and will be back soon. It's fine." She glanced sideways at Zhou Jiao and said, "If you are afraid , don’t go, so as not to hurt you later.”

How could Zhou Jiao agree, "How can I do that, you are a girl, how can I rest assured that you can go out by yourself."

Lianwen hates him reminding her of the fact that she is a girl: "What's wrong with the girl's family? What can our girls' family not do that your men can do? What can we do better than your men?"

She shook off Zhou Jiao's hand and strode forward.

Zhou anxiously caught up: "Wen'er, don't be angry, you know that's not what I mean, I'm just, it's just that it's so late at night, I'm afraid that it's not safe for you to walk alone."

Nian Wen snorted softly: "What's not safe? In terms of kung fu, you are not my opponent. If something really happens, can you protect me?"

When it comes to kung fu, Zhou Jiao's face turns red and his eyes are full of annoyance. He has been diligently studying every move and style taught to him by his master and master. Wen's opponent is Na Wankun, who is more than a chip away from him. . .

Not only kung fu, but also the medical skills he has learned since he was a child. The achievements of Wan Kun and Nianwen are far higher than him.

Fortunately, fortunately, he has some other strengths, otherwise, he would really have no face to stay by Wen'er's side.

Wen'er and Wan Kun are very talented in medical and martial arts, and he is very talented in reading, he can write good characters and write good articles. If he is not the prince of the Zhou Dynasty, he can really go to the top of the examination Play.

The two came to the bustling night market in Kyoto. This night market was as lively as the daytime, and it didn't become quiet at all because of the dark sky.

The master disciplined them very strictly and rarely allowed them to come out to play. She was very interested in everything and wanted to touch and take a look at everything. At this time, the youngest daughter's temperament was undoubtedly revealed.

Zhou Jiao followed behind her, seeing her brighter and brighter smile because of her happiness, and followed Shale too. The two of them walked and stopped all the way, and walked around the whole night market without knowing it.

But Wen'er still couldn't finish it, pointing to another street: "Look, it's very lively there, let's go and have a look."

Zhou Jiao wanted to persuade her to go back, but seeing her excited appearance, he couldn't bear to speak, so he had to go with her.

Although the two of them seldom go out of Wanfu, but during the festival, the mansion will also invite some opera troupe and storytellers to sing opera and storytelling, and occasionally get a book or two to read on weekdays, and they probably know about these Yihongyuan , What do places like Cuixiu Pavilion do for a living.

The two walked outside the gate of a house with a plaque on the Cuixiu Pavilion. Immediately, four or five young women with scantily clad clothes and heavy makeup rushed out, surrounded them, and tried to force them in.

Zhou was so anxious that he pushed them away, pulled Wen'er and wanted to leave.

Wen'er refused, and said with a smile: "It's hard for us to come out. I've only heard about this brothel, but I've never seen it before. How about going in and seeing it?"

Zhou Jiao was extremely firm this time: "No, no, how can you go to such a place, absolutely not, you come back with me now."

(End of this chapter)

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