Chapter 1097

Chapter 1111

She is a noble little princess, a lady who is waiting for a family, how can she come to such a filthy place, if she bumps into an acquaintance, once the news gets out, won't her reputation be ruined?
However, Lianwen has always been a person who can do whatever she wants, so she will not give up because of Zhou Jiao's one or two words of persuasion. She has decided to go to the brothel today, and she must visit the brothel today, there is no need to discuss .

Throwing Zhou Jiao away, she turned and walked towards those gorgeous women, letting them enter Cuixiu Pavilion surrounded by them. The one on the right is holding him by the arm, the son on the left, and the official on the right are screaming and sticking to him tightly, making him very uncomfortable and not easy to get angry, so as not to be driven out.

"Is this your first time here, young master? Look at this little face, it's blushing up to the ears." The woman on the left reached out and touched his cheek, so ashamed that he wished he could push them away immediately. .

The woman on the right was even more daring, she touched his chest directly, and giggled: "Young master is not old, this chest is hard enough, Jiaojiao, I want to lie on it right now."

The woman on the left clapped her restless hands away, and said with a coquettish smile, "Look at how impatient you are, don't scare the young master away."

Zhou Jiao's eyes were on Wen'er at the beginning, but just now, he was touched by the woman next to him, and when he was distracted, Wen'er disappeared.

This is terrible, if she only messed around in this hall for a while, it would be fine, if she was brought into the room, wouldn't she be exposed?
He hastily pushed away the two women beside him, and frantically searched for Wen'er in the hall.

It is said that Wen'er was embraced by two women into the hall of Cuixiu Pavilion. She looked excitedly at the scene of men and women singing and laughing in the hall, and felt that this trip was not in vain. lively.

She was so happy, she took out two ingots of silver from her bosom and rewarded the two women.

The two women saw that it was so easy to get a big benefit, and they knew that they were being taken advantage of today, so they naturally refused to let her go, so they lured her upstairs again, coaxing her that there are more interesting things waiting for her upstairs .

She was in high spirits, so naturally she didn't think much, and followed the two women upstairs, thinking that everyone is a woman, and no one can take advantage of the other.

But who would have thought that these two women actually tricked her into the room and wanted to take off her clothes as soon as they entered the room.

"What are you doing?" She hugged her chest and widened her beautiful eyes.

The woman took off her veil while laughing. She didn't wear much at all. After taking it off, only the bellyband was left on the upper body, and a pair of thin silk trousers underneath outlined the woman's slender and well-proportioned legs. For men, this is the ultimate temptation.

It's a pity that she is a woman and has no interest in such temptations.

"Master, you really know how to joke. Didn't you come to this brothel just for this thing? Why are you so ashamed? Sister, when I look at your face, I'm really willing to accompany you without money. Come on, this fire on my sister's body But it's already on fire." As she spoke, she threw herself at Wen'er.

Wen'er slipped her footsteps, staggered away lightly, avoided her tiger pounce, and said with a smile: "Sister, I'm really impatient. I haven't even had a sip of wine, so you take off your clothes in a hurry, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?" She He glanced at the bolted door, thinking whether to knock the two women out for a while, or just kick the door open and leave?

 Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue have already lived a happy and happy life. The story from now on will be the story of Nian Wen and Wan Kun Zhou Jiao. If you have any suggestions, feel free to ask. I will read the comments every day. Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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