Chapter 1098
Chapter 1112

When the two women heard this, they laughed immediately: "I didn't expect that the young master is really a person with a sense of humor. , the taste is clear and sweet, and the aftertaste is endless, very suitable for a jade-like person like the young master."

The two of them sat down at the table and filled the wine glass with the jug. Wen'er was going to run away, but when she smelled the plum wine, she immediately turned back, picked up the wine glass and smelled it: "It's fragrant, it's really fragrant." She raised her head and drank it. As the woman said, the fruity taste is strong. Although it is sweet, the aftertaste is really endless after the wine slips from her throat into her stomach. Good wine, come, fill another glass."

"Yo, the young master is also good at wine. It just so happens that we two sisters will have a few drinks with the young master today to add to the fun."

When Wen'er was very young, from time to time, she secretly drank two sips of wine from her father's wine cup behind her mother's back. When she grew up a bit, her father would drink some wine for her and Jiao Er every time she returned from Wan's Mansion to the Wang's Mansion. , this alcohol capacity was slowly practiced, she thought her alcohol capacity was not bad, but she did not expect that after drinking these cups of plum wine that was a little sweeter than sugar water, she would start to feel dizzy.The two women in front of him turned into four.

She started to giggle uncontrollably, shaking her body and saying, "Hey, why are there two more sisters here? I'm alone. How can I handle so many of you?"

The two women covered their mouths and chuckled: "It seems that the young master is drunk, he can't even see how many of us sisters are."

"In that case, why don't you just rest." As he spoke, the two women stepped forward to support her, one on the left and the other on the right, and helped her to the side of the bed.

The woman in Cuiyi said: "Sister, sister, I haven't opened for several days, I have to let my sister come here first." Whoever looked at this handsome face, she was already distracted, wishing she could throw herself down and act immediately.

The woman in yellow refused: "Sister, last time I let you go first, why do you want me to let you go first again today, no matter what happens, let me go first." Seeing that the young man is just a young man, listen It is said that a man attaches great importance to his first time, maybe the young master will like her, and now that she has a good relationship with him for the first time, maybe he will come to look for her from time to time in the future.

The two were arguing, and neither of them would let go, pulling Wen'er from left to right.

At this time, the door was kicked open vigorously by someone, and a young man in black clothes with a livid face strode in. His cold eyes were firmly locked there, and he couldn't stand still. He was pulled back and forth by two women. On Wen'er.

The two women glanced blankly at the door that had been knocked down by the entire kick, and then looked blankly at the young man in black with an unfriendly expression: "Master, what do you mean by this, sir? Why—"

Before the two women finished speaking, they felt a pain in their wrists and let go of their hands one after another. The young man who was held by them was pulled over by the boy in black.

Wen'er was top-heavy and couldn't stand at all. She was pulled by someone and slammed into the hard chest. She touched her sore nose and looked up at the person who pulled her, "Huh? Master Uncle Why are there two uncles?" She smiled foolishly, unable to close her mouth from ear to ear, and uncontrollably pinched the face that seemed to never smile. She used both hands, pinching one left and one right Holding his cheek, Sheng Sheng squeezed his cold face into a strange smile: "Look, how beautiful you look when you smile, why can't you smile?"

(End of this chapter)

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