Chapter 1099 Gossiping
Chapter 1113

Wan Kun took a deep breath, resisting the thought of brushing away the two hands that were carelessly kneading his face, threw the two ingots of silver on the table, and said coldly, "This is the money for the wine."

There was hurried footsteps outside, he frowned, the kick that kicked the door was too loud, it seemed that he had provoked the guard, if he was alone, it would be fine, it was just in his arms, but Read the text, he can't let more people see her here,

So he put his arms around Nian Wen's slender waist, put his arms around him and went out through the window, landed firmly on the ground outside the window, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Uncle Master, let's have a toast." She couldn't stand steadily, and could only hold Wan Kun's arm tightly with one hand, barely letting herself fall, but she was still thinking about the delicious plum wine just now.

Wan Kun remained expressionless, his dark eyes glowed faintly in the dark night, and he stared at the drunken face in front of him.

"How dare you visit brothels, do you know where it is?" He gritted his teeth and asked word by word.

Wen'er chuckled: "Of course I know, isn't it the place where men and women do that? I've seen it in dramas, hehe!"

Wan Kun took a deep breath and kept telling himself, don't get angry, don't get angry, she's just drunk, just drunk.

"You know where it is and you still go? Have you forgotten your identity? If you meet an acquaintance in there and recognize you, what will you do?"

Wen'er waved her hand: "If you recognize it, you'll recognize it. What can I do? Who cares, what do I do, and I still need to look at those irrelevant people? Isn't that too embarrassing? I don't want it. "

As soon as she waved her hand, her figure immediately became unstable. Wan Kun quickly stretched out his hand to support her. She was so dizzy that she simply leaned into his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and hung on his neck like a meat bag. on him.

He swallowed hard, and sparks appeared in his eyes.

Wen'er, who is 15 years old, has developed extremely well. If he doesn't respond to two lumps of flesh squeezed on his chest, is he still a man?

What's more, what's more, he is Wen'er!

With a long sigh, he picked her up horizontally, and walked step by step towards the direction where the carriage was waiting at the intersection.

Wen'er, Wen'er, don't forget that I am also a man, and I am also a man with all kinds of emotions and six desires.

As soon as he was about to turn from a dark alley into a bright street, he put her down, took off his robe and wrapped her around her head, then picked her up again, and returned to his carriage.

The driver of the car saw that the young master came back with someone in his arms. He couldn't see his face clearly, but he looked like a woman from his figure. He couldn't help but secretly wondered, when did his young master become interested in women?Didn't he never look at women?
Of course, except for the little princess.

The coachman didn't ask anything, and he didn't dare to ask. The young master always behaved properly and didn't allow anyone to make irresponsible remarks.

"Go back to the house." He ordered the coachman outside in a calm voice.

"My lord, aren't you waiting for the master?" the coachman asked.

Wan Kun said: "Send me back first, and you will pick him up later."

"Good sir." The coachman drove the carriage away immediately.

There was no light in the car, and it was pitch black. He tore off the clothes covering her head and face, and looked at the person leaning on his arms. Even in the darkness, she could still see that face clearly, because that The face is always in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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