Chapter 1100 Cuixiu Pavilion

Chapter 1115

How could Mr. Wan come to such a place?On weekdays, his relationship with Master Jian Yun is as good as a newlywed couple. He wished he could stay by Master's side day and night, and even felt very dissatisfied with Master who spent a lot of time teaching them these junior medical and martial arts, and blamed them. It took up too much of his wife's free time and affected the sweet life of their husband and wife.

In this regard, I can occasionally hear some complaints from him, but complaints are complaints, but he has never really complained about Master, and he is also very good to these juniors, treating them as his own. , or in Wanfu, I never felt like an outsider.

Seeing Mr. Wan outside Cuixiu Pavilion today completely overturned all his previous impressions of Mr. Wan. He shouldn't be such a womanizer. He shouldn't leave his master at home and come to Cuixiu Pavilion Looking for women to have fun, how can these vulgar fans compare to Master?

Mr. Wan didn't notice him. After getting into the carriage, he asked the coachman, "Old Song, where is your master?"

Uncle Song didn't dare to hide it, and told the truth, "Master, the young master came out by himself earlier, and brought someone with him, it seems to be a girl, let me send him back home first."

Mr. Wan frowned: "I brought someone? It seems to be a girl? Is it a girl that you didn't see clearly?"

Uncle Song hurriedly said: "My lord, that girl was carried out by the young master. Her head and face were covered with something. I didn't see the face. I just looked at the figure and it should be a girl."

Mr. Wan's brows were furrowed more and more tightly. A distinguished guest came here today. He brought his son out to discuss business. Who would have imagined that after dinner, the guy proposed to go to his residence to have a cup of tea and talk in detail, and sign a contract by the way? To make an agreement and pay a deposit, originally he didn't need to do this kind of thing himself, he just wanted to take his son out to practice and experience, so he didn't care about so much, he just took a walk after dinner to digest food.

But who knows, that guy's so-called residence is actually a brothel. . .

Just halfway through the discussion, Wan Kun suddenly left with an excuse, thinking that he was in a hurry to go out for convenience, and would come back after a while, but who knew that he never came back after this trip, unexpectedly he brought him from the Cuixiu Pavilion. If Jian Yun finds out about this girl returning to Wan Mansion, she might be so angry with him.

"Hurry up and go home." Mr. Wan ordered.

Uncle Song also murmured in his heart, for some reason today, the master who is always clean and self-sufficient came to visit the kiln, and he brought a son who was not yet a weak crown, isn't he afraid of the wrath of the madam?

Back in Wan Mansion, Mr. Wan did not go to the south courtyard, but went directly to the west courtyard where his son lived. The courtyard was still lit. He strode in and asked the servants who came up to him, "Where is your son?"

The young man hurriedly said: "Go back to the master, the young master is taking a bath."

Mr. Wan slowed down his pace and said in a low voice, "Are you alone?"

The boy gave Mr. Wan a strange look, nodded: "Yes, alone."

"There is no one else?" Mr. Wan's voice became lower and lower.

The boy was puzzled: "No, no, who else could there be?"

Mr. Wan looked around, and said to the boy: "Xiaodou, the master knows that you have always been close to the young master, but you have to know that this matter is very important, so don't hurt the young master, and tell the truth to the young master, there is nothing in the young master's room. Anyone else?"

Xiaodou was at a loss, wondering whether the master took the wrong medicine today or something, how could he suspect that there was someone in the son's room?Although there are maids in this courtyard, it is possible that Xiaodou is the only one who waits on the young master, how can there be anyone in the young master's room?
(End of this chapter)

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