Chapter 1101 A Boy

Chapter 1116

"Master, if you don't believe Xiaodou's words, you can go and see for yourself, Xiaodou has absolutely no lies." Xiaodou was also a little anxious.

Mr. Wan had planned to go in and take a look. After all, his son was only 13 years old, so he couldn't be mistaken by a brothel girl. Before the matter got worse, it had to end.

However, Mr. Wan pushed away his son's room and searched inside and out, but he couldn't find any trace of the woman. He looked at the closed bathroom door on the left, and there was a faint sound of water coming from inside. , Could it be in the bathroom?

He walked to the door of the bathroom step by step, and was about to push it when he heard his son's voice from inside: "Is that you, Xiaodou?"

Xiaodou, who was following Mr. Wan, hurriedly responded, "It's me."

Wan Kun said, "Come in, I'm about to get up."

Xiaodou responded, squeezed in front of Mr. Wan, pushed open the door of the bathroom room, and deliberately did not close the door, so that Mr. Wan who was standing outside could watch enough. It was no big deal for me to watch my son take a bath.

Mr. Wan poked his head to look. The bathroom was not big, and there were bright lamps on all four corners of the bathroom. You could see everything at a glance. It was impossible to hide people in it. What's going on?left already?
Uncle Song would never tell a lie, and he would never lie. He said that he saw Wan Kun bring a woman back, so he must have brought a woman back.

Xiaodou went into the bathroom, took clean clothes for the young master to put on, he whispered: "Young master, the master is at the door of the bathroom, he insisted that there is someone in the young master's room, so he wanted to come in and have a look."

Wan Kun nodded: "I know." When his father first entered his room, he knew how he couldn't tell the difference between his father's footsteps and Xiaodou's footsteps.

Xiao Dou wondered: "I don't know what's wrong today, master, why would you suspect that there is someone in your room, son? Could it be that he thought you were hanging out with some girl in the room?" It's not a rare thing, there are too many, but his son is not a son of ordinary people, he behaves steadily and rigorously, never lets girls get close, goes outside to attend banquets, and never looks at other young ladies, Facing the girls' conversations and invitations, he never took it seriously. How could he do something like messing around with a girl? The master didn't know what kind of stimulation it was.

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "It's okay, I'll go out and explain it to him."

He let his hair hang wet, and stepped out of the bathroom. Sure enough, his father was still in the room, waiting for his perfect explanation.

"Father, you are back." He smiled lightly, walked to the table and sat down, filling a cup of hot tea for his father and himself.

Mr. Wan looked at his calm and normal son, and he couldn't see anything unusual, so he asked directly: "When I came back, I heard from Lao Song that you brought a woman back from Cuixiu Pavilion?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "No, it's just that when I went out, I saw a young man being chased by some villains and got some injuries, so I rescued him. I planned to take him back to get some medicine, but who knew that he just entered the mansion gate?" , he woke up, insisted on leaving, refused to stay, and I didn't force him to stay either."

Mr. Wan raised his eyebrows: "Is it a boy? Isn't it a woman?"

Wan Kun nodded: "It is indeed a young man. In order to avoid the chasing of those villains, I covered his face with clothes, but Uncle Song should have seen the clothes and shoes he was wearing. In Uncle Song's eyes, he may be misunderstood, after all, the place is next to Cuixiu Pavilion, so it is possible for him to admit his mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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