Chapter 1102
Chapter 1117

Mr. Wan believed in what his son said, and he had searched inside and out just now, and there was indeed no sign of the girl, and there was no smell of makeup in the room, so it seemed right.

After he left the West Courtyard, he asked Uncle Song to ask him a few more questions. Uncle Song thought about it carefully, and remembered that when he saw the person in the young master's arms, he only noticed the slender figure and didn't pay much attention to what clothes he was wearing. Now that the master asked again, he suddenly remembered that what the man was wearing seemed to be a pair of black satin boots embroidered with silver auspicious clouds.

It's boots, that's right, it's boots, that is to say, what the young master brought back is not a woman, but a man.

Uncle Song naturally wronged the young master, and hurriedly knelt down to apologize to the master, Mr. Wan waved his hand: "Forget it, let's forget about it in the past, don't discuss it in private anymore, just pretend it never happened."

However, the conversation between them was actually overheard by an old woman with the longest tongue in the house. The next day, everyone in the whole house knew about it. A girl was brought back from the brothel. In order to keep the matter a secret, the master asked Lao Song, who was driving the car, to say that the son brought back an injured boy. . .

So, no matter what Lao Song explained, no one in the house would believe him.

This matter naturally reached Jian Yun's ears, and she immediately ordered someone to invite the young master to the south courtyard.

"Kun'er, did you go out last night?" Jian Yun looked at her son standing not far in front of her. He was 13 years old and taller than her husband. After being disappointed, she never wanted to believe that her son would be a person with no character.

Wan Kun sighed, but he couldn't suppress the matter after all. He glanced secretly at his father who was drinking tea with his head bowed. His father was high-spirited outside, and everyone who saw him would be courteous, but he returned home. , in front of mother, just as docile as a kitten or puppy, counting on him?Forget it, he guessed that he was still counting on him to help him hide the fact that he went to Cuixiu Pavilion to discuss business last night.

Although the father just went to the Cuixiu Pavilion to discuss business and did nothing else, but it is always unpleasant to say such things, and the mother will definitely not be happy if she finds out, so naturally it is better not to know.

"I did go out last night, and went to meet two business partners from outland for my father."

Jian Yun glanced at Mr. Wan.

Mr. Wan nodded quickly: "Yes, I asked him to go, what's the matter?" He asked knowingly.

Jian Yun ignored him, and asked Wan Kun, "Did you go somewhere else after talking about business yesterday?" '

Wan Kun said: "When I came back, I met a young man fainted on the ground, so I took him back to the Wan Mansion for treatment. Unexpectedly, the young man woke up as soon as he entered the mansion. He refused to stay. He thanked me and then left. I didn’t go anywhere else, why did my mother ask these things?”

Jian Yun said: "There are some bad rumors in the mansion, saying that you went to the brothel last night and brought back a girl, is there such a thing?"

Wan Kun immediately shook his head: "There is absolutely no such thing. I went back to the west courtyard alone. If you don't believe me, you can question the people in my courtyard, but someone saw who I brought back."

Mama Qian came in from the outside, walked quickly to Jian Yun's side, and whispered a few words in her ear, Jian Yun's face, which had been stern all the time, softened a little, and she said to Mama Qian: "Go!" Check to see who the words came from, and if you find out, you can sell them directly to the mansion without having to report them back and forth."

(End of this chapter)

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