Chapter 1115 Su Er
Chapter 1130

The girl raised her eyes to look at the tall and straight young man, her face turned red immediately, she answered yes in a low voice, and pushed back the twelve taels of silver ingot.

Wen'er didn't pick up the silver ingot, stood up, looked up at the young man in brocade clothes in front of him slightly, and then said to the girl: "Girl, I don't give you money to buy you, but just to buy you." Help you, he gave you money, but he wanted to buy you and make you a slave for the rest of your life, you would rather have his than mine?" She really couldn't understand what was going on in this girl's heart .

Hearing Wen'er's question, the brocade man glanced sideways at Wen'er, raised his brows slightly, and smiled faintly at the corner of his lips, and said softly: "Whoever wants money, whoever you go with It was her own choice."

The girl blushed and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the young master. Su'er's parents are dead, and she is lonely and helpless. If she can follow the young master as a slave and handmaid, it will be Su'er's best destination."

Wen'er shook her head. Since she wanted to make such a choice, she couldn't say anything more. She took the ten taels of silver and stuffed it back into her bosom. She was about to turn around and leave when she saw a middle-aged man with a swollen face squeezed forward. Stretching out his hand and pulling her away, he almost fell to the ground, but the man was still cursing and yelling to get away.

Before Wen'er got angry, the man threw out three silver ingots and said arrogantly: "Little lady, I'll pay 30 taels, come with me."

Seeing this man's appearance, Su'er turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said: "Master, I have already taken money from this young master, and I can't take any more from you."

The man snorted, "What do you mean you can't accept mine after accepting his? I just saw that you first took ten taels from that little boy, and then this guy gave 20 taels, so you refunded ten taels and asked for 20 taels. Yes, it’s obviously a rule that the highest bidder gets it, but it’s changed when I’m here? Am I not a badass or something?”

Su'er was so frightened that she trembled violently, she dared not agree.

Wen'er couldn't see it, and said to the man: "Hey, why did you push me just now? Is this road yours or something? Also, girls can follow whoever they want, and you still want to buy and sell by force. ?”

The man looked sideways at Wen'er, and seeing that she looked really handsome, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to pinch his little face: "Look at this little white face, she's so handsome, even my uncle, I'm a good girl!" Even the perverted people couldn't help being moved."

Wen'er was thinking, should he wring one of his hands, or both of his hands?
Before she could make a move, the young man in brocade clothes on the other end made a move first, and his broad palm tightly clasped the man's wrist: "Brother, let's talk, show some respect."

The man tried his best to break free, but he couldn't break free. He was full of shame and anger, and shouted: "Where did you come from? How dare you go against me, do you know who I am?"

Young Master Jinyi smiled lightly, standing under the bright sun, his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light, "Of course I know who it is, but I don't know who it is, it's useless if you ask me, why don't you go back Ask your mother."

There was laughter from all around, the man was so angry that he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the young man in Jin Yi fiercely. The man's hand retreated hastily, even though his movement was extremely fast, his arm was still cut by the sharp dagger, and the blood immediately stained the white sleeve red.

(End of this chapter)

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