Chapter 1116 Test Her

Chapter 1131

The man succeeded in one move, but was not satisfied, and immediately raised his knife to stab again. Seeing this, Wen'er threw the silver ingot in his hand and hit his right knee. The man fell to the ground, the dagger fell off, and hugged his knee and howled in pain. : "Who is it? Who plotted against me? If you have the ability to stand up and challenge me."

At this time, the people watching around quickly backed away, standing as far away as possible, for fear that if they stood too close, the disaster would spread to themselves.

So beside the man, only Wen'er and the young man in brocade with the injured arm were left.

The man pointed at Wen'er and said, "Little boy, could it be you?"

Wen'er leaned over to pick up the silver ingot that was just used to throw him, and sighed: "I thought it was such a powerful horn, but I didn't expect it to be so weak. I just tossed it lightly, and you became like this , still claiming to be Lao Tzu here, I am not afraid of being laughed at."

The pain in the man's knees has eased a lot at this time. He has been running rampant in the capital city for many years. When has he suffered such a loss? How can he swallow this breath? .

Wen'er's footsteps were smooth, avoiding his stab lightly, and then stretched out a hook to catch the man's forward legs and feet, causing him to fall like a dog eating shit again.

That man is not stupid, he can see that this little white face has kung fu, and his kung fu is superior to him. He is alone today, and he will definitely not be able to please him, so he pointed at Wen'er and said: "You, what do you do?" I'll wait, don't run if you have the ability." He ran away first after speaking.

Wen'er gave him a sip: "I'm not a wooden stake, I've grown up here, I can leave as soon as I want, can you control me?"

The young man in brocade clothes on the side kept looking at Wen'er, seeing that she was slender and a full head shorter than him, and her face was too handsome. When she was talking and walking, she couldn't hide the coquettishness of a little girl. He thought of her Her younger sister, who is as old as her, always likes to dress up like this and sneak out to play around.

He knew she was a girl, but he didn't point it out, he just stepped forward and said with a smile, "Thank you little brother for your generous help."

Wen'er immediately returned the salute and smiled, "The opera often says that when the road is rough, you draw your sword to help. That's probably the case. No thanks, no thanks. I'm not doing it for you, I just don't like him."

Wen'er's eyes fell on his arm: "Your wound is not shallow, and it needs to be treated. I know a little bit of medical skills. If you don't worry, I will let my little brother bandage it for you."

Young Master Jinyi couldn't wait for it, he glanced around immediately, and said with a smile: "I see there is a tea shop over there, why don't you go there and have something to eat along the way."

Wen'er nodded, she didn't know what to do to entertain her, the brother in front of her was older than her, and thought he had some knowledge, drinking tea and chatting with him shouldn't be boring.

The two walked to the teahouse, and Miss Su'er, who had been waiting to be taken away, was dumbfounded. These two people were originally her benefactors, and they fought against bullies because of her. How could they all abandon her? ?

Sitting down in the tea shop, Wen'er glanced at Su'er who wanted to follow in the distance, but was too embarrassed to follow, and said with a smile: "Brother, why didn't you call Miss Su'er together?"

Young Master Jinyi didn't turn his head, sighed: "I've done what I can, even if she comes, I won't take her back."

Wen'er was puzzled: "But you just said clearly that you would take her away."

Young Master Jinyi shook his head: "I was just testing her out, but I didn't expect that she is indeed the kind of person I thought."

(End of this chapter)

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