Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1117 Not Worth Two Silvers?

Chapter 1117 Worth only ten taels of silver?
Chapter 1132

Wen'er asked, "What kind of person?"

He smiled lightly, picked up the teapot brought up by the boss, and poured a bowl of tea for Wen'er: "You have all been deceived by her weak appearance, such things as selling one's body to bury her father, or having no relatives or reasons are all deceitful, she A girl like this is nothing more than wanting to rely on her beauty to be a concubine with a rich man."

If Wen'er realized something, she thought that if the girl Su'er was really forced to sell herself to bury her father, why would she not want to give her ten taels, even if she didn't need to sell herself?Could it be that a person's freedom is worth no more than ten taels of silver?
It seems that just like what this brother said, Miss Su'er is a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking.

Young Master Jin Yi looked at her transparent appearance, felt very cute, and his mood improved, the wound on his arm seemed to be less painful, he said with a smile: "My surname is Shangguan, and my name is Nuo, I don't know little brother How to call it?"

Wen'er cupped her hands and bowed back, and said with a smile: "My little brother's surname is Chu, and there is only one character for each name."

She smiled brightly, and the brilliance in her eyes just shone into his heart. No matter how many years passed in the future, he would always remember this smiling face, pure and bright.


Chu Palace
Tian Qi relayed the words of Empress Shangguan to Rong Yue.

"Sister Huang, what is the plan of the Shangguan family?" Tian Qi's eyebrows were deeply drawn together, puzzled.

Rong Yue got up, took a few steps in the palace, and said with a sudden smile: "It doesn't matter what their plans are, let's take a look first, they have always been peaceful in the east, especially in the ten years since the empress entered the palace, they are more and more serious than before. It's safe and secure, and no bad rumors have ever spread from Dongli."

Tian Qi raised his eyebrows. When talking to him, Huang Jie always said that she would not turn the corner, but today she said seven points and three points. He looked sideways and glanced at the maids and eunuchs in the palace. After ten years in the palace, it's hard to say if there is anyone who manages his own contacts in this palace, and it's even more difficult to say if there is anyone by her side by his side.

There are some things that it is hard for Miss Huang to say outright, she just needs to understand them.

"What Huangjie said is true, but I am too worried." He stood up with a smile, took the black wooden carved flower box on the table, and handed it to Rongyue: "Huangjie, this is a Jiji for Wen'er Please help me bring it back to Wen'er."

Rong Yue took it, and said with a smile: "Why don't you save it for tomorrow's public reward?"

Tian Qi smiled and said: "Tomorrow there will be another reward, this is my wish as an uncle."

"Then I'd like to see how deep the heart is here." Then he opened the lid of the box, and a shining night pearl appeared in front of him. The night pearl was as big as an egg and he held it in his hand , I can still feel the slightest coolness oozing out.

She has seen many Ye Mingzhus, but she has never seen a Ye Mingzhu of this size, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a rare treasure.

"Such a rare Ye Mingzhu, you just gave it to Wen?" She closed the lid of the box and asked with a smile.

Tianqi said: "It's just a night pearl, let Wen'er play with it, she went to the palace last time and saw the pearl in my palace, it looked very rare, so I specially ordered someone to find such a high-quality pearl. Wen'er, naturally wants the best in everything."

Rong Yue shook her head: "You, you know how to spoil her and spoil her, this girl is becoming more and more unruly, and sooner or later she will cause trouble."

But Tian Qi said: "At her age, it is the time when she is innocent and playful, so don't be too constrained by her, let her play for two more years before she gets married, and when she gets married in the future, if she wants to play It's too late to be crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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