Chapter 1119 Sun Liuliu

Chapter 1134

"I've also heard that Marquis Xian Guang brought his son to Beijing this time to find a suitable marriage for his son in the capital. I don't know whose girl will be lucky enough to be in the eyes of Marquis Xian Guang."

"Isn't this obvious? If you want to find a suitable marriage, why do you have to go to Beijing? And you choose to enter the palace today? It's clear that you want to see Princess Changle."

At this time Xian Guanghou had already approached, everyone shut up and stood up with a smile to say hello.

Mrs. Wu tugged at the sleeve of her daughter beside her, and said in a low voice, "Liu'er, what do you think of this son of Marquis Xian Guang?"

Sun Liuliu heard her mother's words, and raised her eyes to look at the door of the palace. The young man with long and tall body, sword eyebrows and star eyes, under the high bridge of the nose, and a slight smile on the thin lips, she stared at him blankly, while his Her gaze also seemed to fall on her face, she hurriedly lowered her head, her chest was bumping like a small pussy, her face was flushed like a fire.

"To ask you something, what do you think of this son of Marquis Xian Guang?" Wu Shi asked again.

Sun Liuliu lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Mother, why are you so open-mouthed in such a large audience?"

Seeing her daughter's small appearance, Mrs. Wu still didn't understand something, she immediately smiled and said: "I think this son of Xian Guanghou is much better than that Wan Gongzi, my mother will help you pay more attention."

Sun Liuliu's face became more and more red, and she really wanted to find a crack to get in right away. If her mother's words don't change the door's temperament, she will never be able to change it. Fortunately, the noise in the hall has resumed, and their mother's and son's voices were not heard. Otherwise, I really can't wait any longer.

At this time, the eunuch outside the hall sang again: "Mr. Wan is here."

Although there is no title or official rank, when Mr. Wan is sung, the noise in the hall dissipates in an instant, and everyone's eyes fall on the gate of the hall. Mr. Wan is 58 years old this year, his temples are already graying, but he is mentally ill. But he was still very healthy, and his complexion was very ruddy, not much different from a 40-year-old man in his prime.

It was Jian Yun who entered the palace with Mr. Wan on his arm. She was also in her 50s, but her appearance looked no different from that of a 40-year-old woman. She had a beautiful face and a detached temperament. Charm but lingering taste.

Wan Kun came in behind the two of them. Although he was only 13 years old, his figure was already the height of a normal adult man. In addition, he had practiced martial arts for many years, and his figure was stronger than the average teenager. His handsome face showed no expression at all. , couldn't see any joy or anger, and the eyes were cold, as if everything was in the eyes, but not in the eyes.

Mrs. Wu tugged on the sleeve of her daughter beside her again, and said in a low voice, "Liu Liu, look at this Mr. Wan, he is not bad."

Sun Liuliu looked around, and just in time saw Wan Kun turned around and went into the corner, and sat down in the most inconspicuous seat. It was rare for him to be 13 years old, but he had such a bearing, but she always felt that this young master Wan Kun was too handsome. Too indifferent, it seems that she is not easy to get along with. Compared with the two, she prefers the prince Xian Guanghou.

At this time, the eunuch sang again: "Prince Jiao is here."

At this time, the palace began to discuss again: "Is this Prince Jiao the prince of the Zhou Dynasty?"

"I heard that he came from the Zhou Dynasty, and he was the only prince in the Zhou Dynasty. He will undoubtedly be the king of Zhou in the future."

"When Mr. Wan served the full moon wine for Mr. Wan, I once saw Prince Jiao in the garden of Wanfu. At that time, he was only a two-year-old doll. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would become so big. "

(End of this chapter)

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