Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1120 A Single-minded Person

Chapter 1120 A half-hearted person
Chapter 1135

Zhou Jiao sat down in the front seat on the left amidst the discussions among the crowd, just facing Sun Liuliu.

Wu secretly looked at Zhou Jiao all the way. He was a handsome young man with an extraordinary bearing, and he was born as a prince. The future His Majesty of the Zhou Dynasty, such an identity, neither Wan Kun nor Shangguan Nuo could match.

If Liuliu can marry Zhou Jiao, she will be the queen of the Zhou Dynasty in the future. Not to mention the friendship between the Zhou Dynasty and the Chu Dynasty, the relationship between Shan Zhoujiao and the side-by-side Wangfu and Wanfu, they will turn over the Pingdehou Mansion The day is coming.

She tugged at the daughter beside her, and said in a low voice: "Liu Liu, I think this Prince Jiao is the most suitable, no matter his age or status, he is better than Mr. Wan and Mr. Xian Guanghou. Pay more attention to him later."

Sun Liuliu hangs her head and doesn't speak, she wonders why her mother is such a half-hearted person, she just agrees with anyone she sees, she doesn't have any opinions.

"The side-by-side king has arrived, the princess protecting the country has arrived, and the Princess Changle has arrived." The eunuch sang three names in succession.

The hall was immediately silent, and everyone got up from their seats one after another. Among the people present, no one had a higher status than the side-by-side king and the princess protecting the country. It was reasonable for them to stand up to greet each other.

Zheng Zhongwen was still handsome and mighty, Qi Rongyue was still beautiful and beautiful, the two walked in arm in arm, in the eyes of everyone, only one word came to mind, a man of talent and a woman of beauty.

Following Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue were Zheng Nianwen, who was known as the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, and the little prince, Zhengzhou, who stood side by side with the palace.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zheng Nianwen, who was wearing a light blue smoked gauze double-breasted skirt, and a girdle of the same color inlaid with orbs around his waist, which was so tight that his waist was too tight to hold.

The combination of impeccable facial features is so beautiful that people cannot take their eyes off them, especially those eyes, which seem to be embedded with the brightest and most precious gemstones in the world, shining brightly when looking forward.

She followed behind her mother, walking slowly step by step, with a faint smile on her beautiful face, polite and distant, her whole body was naturally elegant and noble.

Such a girl naturally captured the attention of everyone in the hall.

Even Zhou Jiao who was sitting in the front row, and Wan Kun who was in the corner couldn't take their eyes off her. They were the people who knew Wen'er the most, but it was the first time they saw Wen'er who looked like this today. In the past, Wen'er always liked to wear plain clothes and loose trousers, which were more convenient for her to practice martial arts and medicine. She rarely wore skirts. In fact, she usually wore men's clothes most often, and even her hair was always tied with men It's the first time for her bun to look like this today.

The happiest person in the palace to see Wen'er was Shangguan Nuo. After saying goodbye to Chu Wen yesterday, he thought about it all night, thinking about where to find her in the future, and whether he and she would have a chance to meet again. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the protagonist at today's banquet, Zheng Nianwen.

Before coming to the capital, his parents told him that only Princess Changle, who is side-by-side with the palace, can be worthy of the title of Princess Xianguanghou, and they planned to go to the side-by-side palace to propose marriage in person.

He refused at the beginning, a woman he had never met before, tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly, and temperament, how could he accept such a stranger as his pillow with peace of mind?
So, father and mother took advantage of the opportunity of Princess Changle and Yan Yan to hold a big banquet in the palace, and brought him to see each other in 'secret'.

(End of this chapter)

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