Chapter 1122 Liang Jinfeng

Chapter 1137

Shangguan Nuo said with a smile: "I heard that the fruit wine in the palace is very fragrant and mellow, even women can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. Today, most of the people who come here for the ceremony of the princess and Jiji are female relatives. I think this wine must be fruit wine. The princess doubts it. If you drink a few more glasses, you won't get drunk, Prince Jiao can rest assured."

Nian Wenzheng also wanted to taste the fruit wine, after hearing Shangguan Nuo's words, he immediately took the wine glass from Zhou Jiao's hand: "Yes, yes, I can drink it myself, I don't need you to replace me."

Zhou Jiao frowned, this silly girl, why can't she see that this guy is uneasy and kind.

Shangguan Nuo saw that Nian Wen had already drank the wine in the glass, he was secretly happy, and immediately drank the wine in the glass with his head raised.

Concubine Liang Guifei saw that Shangguan Nuo had successfully toasted Princess Changle, and immediately winked at her nephew Liang Jinfeng who was sitting down, signaling him to toast Princess Changle as well.

Liang Jinfeng was full of reluctance. He had suffered at the hands of Princess Changle before, so he was terribly afraid of her. How could he dare to approach her again? This girl looks harmless and delicate, but she is actually very bad If you want to take advantage of her, you are simply suicidal.

But he did not dare to disobey Concubine Liang's orders. Now the Liang family's situation is not as good as before. If the Liang family can marry the Zheng family, the emperor will definitely treat him differently. Both Zheng Zhongwen and Zheng Guogong will help him in court. The Liang family will be able to shine again.

Liang Jinfeng got up helplessly, squeezed a smile, and came to Princess Changle with a wine glass, raised his glass and said: "Princess, Jinfeng respects you."

Nianwen raised his eyes and looked at Liang Jinfeng's face with an unnatural smile. He felt familiar, but couldn't remember who it was, so he said to Zhou Jiao who had moved his seat to his side: "Brother Jiao, you know him." ?"

Zhou Jiao smiled lightly, "Didn't he molested a court lady by drunkenness at the palace banquet the year before last, and you kicked him into the lotus pond in the imperial garden, and almost drowned."

Reading the text suddenly, after Zhou Jiao's reminder, she really remembered this matter, no wonder she looked so familiar with him.

She lowered her head again, and said softly: "Brother Jiao, you can drink this wine."

Zhou Jiao got up with a smile, raised his glass and said, "Young Master Liang, Zhou Jiao drank this glass of wine for Wen'er."

Liang Jinfeng's face was flushed like fire, but he didn't like having a fit, so he could only drink the wine with a dry smile, and left as if fleeing.

Seeing Liang Jinfeng leave, Qi Rongyue hurriedly asked her daughter beside her, "Did you really kick him into the lotus pond in the imperial garden? Why have I never heard you say that?"

Nianwen knew that mother would never reprimand her for such a guy, so she said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, I forgot to mention it."

Rong Yue sighed, and said: "Whatever happens in the future, you can come back and tell your parents, you are a little girl, although you have learned kung fu for a few years, if you really meet someone who is powerful, you will be the one who suffers. "

Nianwen raised his eyes and glanced at all the guests present, and said with a smile: "Mother, tell me, among the nobles present, who is my opponent for Zheng Nianwen?" It's a waste of time, who, like her, studied art by the master's side as a young follower, and only after suffering all kinds of hardships did she acquire the current medical and martial arts.

Zheng Zhongwen was overjoyed when he heard this, and gave a thumbs up to Nianwen: "My Wen'er is the most powerful, and all these people are not your opponents, but you can't be too complacent because of it. There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.”

(End of this chapter)

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