Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1123 Kun'er also likes Wen'er?

Chapter 1123 Kun'er also likes Wen'er?
Chapter 1138

Rong Yue looked around and didn't see Wan Kun, so she asked, "Did Junior Brother come today?"

Zhou Jiao shook his head: "I didn't see it."

Read the text and said: "He never likes to join in the fun. There are so many people here today, he will definitely not come."

Rong Yue doesn't think so, although Wan Kun doesn't like to join in the fun, but this is a ceremony for reading the text, and he will definitely come.

Sure enough, she saw Wan Kun drinking alone in the corner of the three rows of low tables opposite.

Wan Kun happened to raise her eyes and looked towards them. Her eyes fell directly on Wen'er. The eyes that are clear and cold to everyone on weekdays are so gentle today. Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Kun'er Do you also like Wen'er?

She looked sideways at Nianwen, she was just picking up the dishes in the bowl boredly, and she didn't notice that someone was secretly watching her with affectionate eyes.

This daughter of hers is good at everything, smart, quick to learn everything, and extremely gifted, but she is very ignorant about matters between men and women, and Zhou Jiao's obvious preference, but she has never taken it to heart.

She couldn't even see Zhou Jiao's obvious expressions of love, let alone Wan Kun's secret admiration.

She sighed and didn't say anything more, maybe the time has not come yet, when the time comes, she will get enlightened by herself, when that time comes, I hope everything will fall into place.

Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue were also secretly observing Shangguan Nuo. This son's words and deeds are unrestrained and free, and now he has just reached his full age, but he did not show any timidity when facing the civil and military courts of the court. They, frequently flirting, but he didn't look away, only when he was free, his eyes quietly fell on Wen'er.

The husband and wife both nodded secretly when they saw it. Such a young talent and such a family background are suitable for Wen'er, but Shangguan's family is far away in the east, thousands of miles away from the capital.

They were reluctant to let Wen'er be so far away from them.

Seeing that her nephew failed to please Zheng Nianwen, and she didn't even drink his toast, Concubine Liang Guifei was very displeased. The nephew of the dignified Concubine Liang, if she doesn't take Jin Feng seriously, she doesn't take her as a noble concubine seriously.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, wiped a reluctant smile, and said to the emperor at the side: "Your Majesty, Princess Changle is finally ready. There is another girl waiting to be married in this capital city. I don't know whose family it is." The young master will have such a blessing, and won the pearl of Princess Changle."

Chu Tianqi glanced at her indifferently, she can't hide things, she is so careful, who can't see it?

How dare Xiao Xiangwener rely on her, that kid from the Liang family?It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat, dreaming.

Chu Tianqi said calmly: "Although Wen'er is old enough, but she is still young, this matter is not urgent."

Concubine Liang smiled dryly, and thought to herself, let's see how long you can stay. When a girl grows up, she will always look for her in-law's family. If she is not the son of this family, she will be the son of that family. Sooner or later. If he wants to marry, Jinfeng still has a chance.

Wen'er endured for a while, but finally couldn't stand it any longer. She was different from ordinary ladies. She had no temperament to sit still. Being able to sit quietly in this palace for such a long time was considered very good. up.

(End of this chapter)

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