Chapter 1124
Chapter 1139

She said to Rongyue at the side: "Mother, I'm going out to get some air, it's too stuffy here."

How could Rongyue not know her temperament, she doted on her but shook her head helplessly: "Go, come back after playing for a while, don't forget, you are the protagonist of today's banquet."

Wen'er was very happy to get her mother's order, no matter what she said repeatedly, she got up and was about to leave, but was stopped by Rongyue: "Go and tell uncle, lest he send someone to look for you later."

Wen'er had no choice but to turn her head to look at the emperor's uncle who was sitting in a high position. At this time, the singing and dancing in the hall was peaceful, and the guests were whispering. Unless her voice was filled with internal strength, everything she said would be drowned out by the noisy voice.

Without thinking about it, she lifted the corner of her skirt and walked to the dragon chair where Chu Tianqi was sitting, passed the seats of concubine Shu and the imperial concubine, passed the seat of the queen, and came directly to Chu Tianqi's side. Sitting on the chair, he stretched out his hand to grab Chu Tianqi's arm, and shook it lightly: "Uncle, Wen'er is too bored, and wants to go out to get some air. Uncle Yun won't allow it?"

Chu Tianqi couldn't do anything with her, especially her coquettish appearance, which was completely different. He couldn't help laughing and said: "You girl, if I say no, why don't you go?"

Wen'er stuck out her tongue, and said with a smile: "Uncle knows Wen'er best, then Wen'er will go now, uncle, please drink less wine, it will hurt your health." Then he secretly stuffed a small jade bottle into uncle In his hand, he said in a low voice: "Uncle, this is a elixir for invigorating qi and nourishing blood. I just refined it overnight yesterday. You have lost a lot of weight recently, and you need to make up for it. Don't forget to take it."

Tian Qi's heart warmed up, and the smile on his lips became stronger: "Uncle knows, don't stay up late to practice alchemy in the future, and be careful to become an ugly monster." Holding the jade bottle in his hand, he thought that he really didn't love this girl in vain all these years, I also know that I feel sorry for his uncle, I really grew up.

Wen'er got the consent of the emperor's uncle, stood up and bowed to the queen and concubine Shu, and then went to the apse.

Just now she was sitting on the dragon chair, and most of the guests in the palace saw her intimate interaction with the emperor. Everyone knew that the emperor favored Princess Changle, but they didn't expect that the dragon chair, today, even The queen didn't get involved, but let the little girl sit down for a while, one can imagine the position of Changle princess in the emperor's heart.

The Queen's face was full of smiles, but her hands in her sleeves were tightly twisting the veil, her heart seemed to be pressed by something, she couldn't breathe, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

This girl, this girl. . .It is impossible to stay, and she must be married to Dongli as soon as possible, so that she can stay away from the capital and the emperor.

After all, although she is the emperor's niece in name, there is no real blood relationship between the two, and the emperor is in his prime, and this girl has also reached the age of marriage, so she will continue to develop like this. . .She dare not think.

Her eyes fell on Shangguan Nuo, and when she saw that Shangguan Nuo was also looking at her, she waved to him and motioned him to come closer.

Shangguan Nuo immediately put down the wine cup in his hand, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, empress." He bowed and saluted.

Shangguan Yao raised her hand: "Excuse me." She turned her head and said to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, I haven't seen Nuo Ge'er for several years, and I have something to tell Nuo Ge'er, and my concubine will take her to the back hall to talk. .”

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Go."

(End of this chapter)

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