Chapter 1132
Chapter 1147

Zheng Nianwen had discovered him a long time ago, seeing him raising his sword to meet him, his subordinates did not release water, but instead exerted all their strength, she wanted to see how Shangguan Nuo's kung fu was compared to her own.

Shangguan Nuonian is older than Zheng Nianwen, and he is also a man. He may not have learned martial arts shorter than Zheng Nianwen, but after ten strokes, his previous advantage began to gradually fade, and he began to struggle to catch every move. He was secretly surprised and said to Zheng Nianwen Practicing martial arts is just for fun, and it will never be too profound. I just watched it from the sidelines and saw its exquisite moves. I thought it was just a trick, but I didn't think that the tricks he had seen before were so powerful. Big, every time he took a move, his mouth was numb.

After thirty moves, Zheng Nianwen didn't want to fight any more, and felt that it was boring, just like Zhou Jiao's feeling of not being strong.

It's more refreshing to play with my little uncle, and I can have a good time playing every time.

She stepped back on the wind and withdrew her sword momentum: "Accept!"

The maid waiting at the side hurriedly delivered the veil, she took it, wiped off the fine sweat on her forehead, felt sticky and uncomfortable all over her body, and promised Shangguan: "Brother Shangguan, wait a moment, I'll go change my clothes, Will come to find you again."

Shangguan Nuo just recovered from the disappointment of being defeated by her, and hurriedly said: "Okay, don't worry, I'll wait for you here."

Zheng Nianwen handed the sword in his hand to the handmaid, turned around and walked, walking briskly, step by step, seemingly slow, but in the blink of an eye, her figure was several feet away, her gait was very strange, it was him Never seen before.

He looked around and saw a pavilion not far away, so he went to the pavilion, sat drinking tea and waiting, thinking that when she came out later, she would definitely wear a dress like yesterday's. It makes her an unreal figure.

Before he drank the half cup of tea, he saw a figure walking towards him from a distance. He was taken aback, but she came to see him in a man's attire again. . .

Zheng Nianwen walked into the pavilion, sat down generously, took a bite out of the pastry on the plate, and said with a smile: "I just played sword for a while, now I'm hungry."

Shangguan Nuo smiled softly, and pushed the plate of snacks towards Nian Wen's tattoo: "Eat more when you're hungry."

It is delicious to read and eat, and it is not pretentious, let alone pretending to be gentle just because there is a man sitting in front of it, just do whatever you want, hearty and happy.

Looking at her like this, he felt very comfortable in his heart, and he also relaxed, without feeling restrained at all.

"You came from Dongli, are you afraid that you will have to stay for a while before going back?" She asked with a smile.

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "Well, we'll leave when we're done."

Seeing that Nianwen didn't ask any further questions, he felt itchy in his heart, so he asked back, "Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing in the capital?"

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows, "Then what are you planning to do when you come to Beijing?"

Shangguan Nuo took a deep breath, stared deeply at her eyebrows, and said word by word: "I am eighteen this year, and I am not engaged yet. My father was anxious to hold his grandson, so he wanted to come to the capital to find a suitable marriage for me. Now There are eyebrows."

Read the text and nodded: "Very good, congratulations."

Shangguan Nuo was taken aback, why didn't she even ask him who the girl was?
"Don't you want to know whose family the girl my father is looking for is from?" Shangguan Nuo asked urgently.

Read the text and shook his head: "I don't want to know, what does this have to do with me? Besides, I am not familiar with these noble ladies in the capital city. They don't seem to like me very much, and I don't like them. There is no intersection. Tell me who the girl is, I may not know it, and I can't help you."

(End of this chapter)

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