Chapter 1133 chopped
Chapter 1148

Hearing this, Shangguan Nuo became more anxious and was about to speak, when a maid came over and said to Zheng Nianwen: "Princess Jiao, Prince Jiao is here and is waiting in the side hall."

Read the text and nodded: "Please come over."

After the maid left, Shangguan Nuo frowned and asked, "Jiao Ping also often comes to the palace this week?"

Nianwen nodded as a matter of course: "This is also his home. He has lived here since he was a child and only moved out three years ago. It is normal to come and go frequently."

Shangguan Nuo's heart was sour, how could this kid be so lucky, he could be with Nianwen while urinating, but he only knew her for a few days.

Zhou Jiao soon appeared in the garden, and saw Shangguan Nuo sitting across from the person reading the text from a distance, his brows were frowned immediately, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he quickly came to the pavilion, without saying hello, he asked Shangguan Nuo directly: "What are you doing?" Why are you here?"

Shangguan Nuoneng felt Zhou Jiao's hostility, and his heart was not very happy. He smiled and said: "I came with my father. Father and the prince and princess are discussing matters in the front hall."

Zhou Jiao sat down, glanced at the text, and saw that she had a calm face, drinking tea by herself, no one was going to talk to her, so she said, "Wen'er, I have something to say to you."

Wen'er looked up at him, and saw that he had a sad face, and there were obvious dark circles around his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't sleep well last night, and couldn't bear it, so he finally nodded: "Okay."

She was about to get up, but Shangguan Nuo said: "Is there anything you can't say in front of me? Do you want to avoid me?" Although he was smiling, he looked at Zhou Jiao with a cool look in his eyes.

Zhou Jiao glanced at him sideways, and said softly, "This is our family business, you are an outsider, what do you sound like?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to grab Wen'er's wrist, turned around and left.

Shangguan Nuo's eyes were fixed on the hand he was holding onto Zheng Nianwen, and a wicked thought arose in his heart, he really wanted to chop it up, chop it up.

"Wen'er, I'm leaving tomorrow, can't you really come back to Zhou Dynasty with me?"

"Wen'er, you can go back with me first, if you think Zhou Chao is really bad, I'll send you back, okay?"

"Wen'er, I really can't live without you, please, come with me."

"Wen'er, are you listening to me?"

After being silent for a while, he finally raised his eyes to look at him, and sighed, "Brother Jiao, what I want to say has already been said, you should already know my intentions, why bother to bother? You are the future of the Zhou Dynasty. Your Majesty, I don't know how many good girls are willing to marry you, and you will find a girl who is better and more suitable for you."

Zhou Jiao shook his head: "No, I don't want anyone, I only want you, I only want you."

He was quite agitated, and he took two steps forward to shake Wen'er's hand. Wen'er frowned, and sideways avoided, she said: "You go, you are like this, I can't talk to you calmly."

How could Zhou Jiao agree, "I won't go. You refused to agree to me. It must be because you don't want to part with Master and Master. I will go to Master and Master right away and beg them to let you go with me."

Zhou Jiao was in a hurry, he was so anxious that he didn't have time, he thought he could wait for a while, when he read the text and grow up a bit, and when she first fell in love, he would naturally find out that he was good to her, and he would naturally love her. Accept his heart.

But now, he couldn't wait any longer, he didn't have time.

Zhou Jiao turned around and ran towards the front hall. At this time, Shangguan Nuo had already returned to the hall. Seeing Zhou Jiao running in panting, his brows furrowed even more tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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