Chapter 1134

Chapter 1149

Rong Yue called Zhou Jiao to sit down, and ordered the maid to fetch a wet handkerchief to wipe his sweat: "What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating?"

Zhou Jiaohan didn't even wipe off his sweat, and hurriedly said to Rongyue: "Master, Jiao Er is leaving tomorrow, I think—" He thought that there were still outsiders in the hall, so he closed his mouth again.

Rong Yue understood, stood up and said to Shangguan, "Master Hou, sit down slowly, I'll excuse you first."

After saying that, she greeted Zhou Jiao to go to the back hall.

Zheng Zhongwen can more or less guess what Zhou Jiao is going to say, and he is also troubled in his heart. The most beautiful thing in the world is love and love, but the most hurtful thing is love and love.

Zhou Jiao urinated and raised by their side, treating him as if they were their own sons. They cherished this family relationship very much and didn't want to break it because of anything.

back hall
Zhou Jiao knelt down in front of Rongyue with a 'plop': "Master, this disciple begs Master to let this disciple take Wen'er to the Zhou Dynasty."

Rong Yue was not surprised at all. Zhou Jiao's temperament was very much like his father's, stubborn, and even stubborn. Since he liked Wen'er, it was not surprising that he would make such a request.

"Before you asked me this question, did you ask Wen'er first?" She asked without answering.

Zhou Jiao was a little frustrated: "I asked."

"Oh? What did Wen'er say?" she asked.

Zhou Jiao's voice became lower and lower: "She, she didn't agree."

Rong Yue sighed, supported his arm and pulled him up: "Since she won't even agree, what's the use of you begging me? Could it be that you want me to tie her up and let you take her to the Zhou Dynasty?" towards?"

Zhou Jiao quickly waved his hands: "No, no, how could I treat Wen'er like this, absolutely not."

Rong Yue said: "Jiao Er, it's not that the master won't help you, you also know that Wen'er has no children's affair in her heart, she has never thought about it at all, don't worry, wait for her to open up one day , maybe I can understand your thoughts, but definitely not now."

Zhou Jiao didn't know this truth, "But right now, I'm leaving, and I don't know when I'll come back. I'm afraid that if I leave, she will forget me, I—"

Rong Yue said: "If you forget you so easily, it proves that she really doesn't have the slightest affection for you. What's the use of trying to force you?"

She changed the subject, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Besides, you two grew up together, how could she just forget you? It's absolutely impossible."

Zhou Jiao felt extremely uncomfortable. He always had a bad premonition that many bad things would happen after leaving.

But he is powerless to change anything, Wen'er refuses, so what?
"Master, I will definitely come back. Before I come back, don't tell Wen'er about marriage, okay?"

Rong Yue was in a bit of a dilemma: "Jiao Er, it's not that I don't agree with you as a teacher. You also know that Wen'er is already old enough. A girl of ordinary people's age should be looking for her husband's family. Once you leave, I don't know when." Come back, we can't let Wen'er not look for her in-law's family all the time, can I?"

Zhou Jiao hurriedly said: "Two years, at most two years, I will definitely come back within two years, so let Wen'er wait for me for two years?"

Rong Yue thought about it in her heart, thinking of Nian Wen's temperament, maybe she still hasn't found a suitable husband's family after two years, besides, he and Zhong Wen are not willing to let her marry early, so staying for two years is not too difficult. And I promised him, lest the child go unsatisfactory, and I will remember this matter all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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