Chapter 1137

Chapter 1152

Wood Cangju.

After entering Mu Cangju, Shangguan Nuo invited her into the living room to drink tea and talk, she simply pointed to the log tables and chairs under the pergola in the courtyard and said: "I think this place is very good, let's go here."

Shangguan Nuo was happy, as long as she was happy, he would be happy.

After the maid served the tea, all the servants in Shangguan Nuoming Court retreated.

Nian Wen glanced at the servants who hurriedly retreated, all of them were women, all of them were slender and slender, and their appearance was very upright.

She thought of Wan Kun, that boy didn't seem too close to women, he didn't have a single maid around him, and he didn't even allow any maids to enter his yard, it was really weird, Shangguan Nuo in front of him was a model of a family son.

"The princess is here today, but because of my father going to the mansion to propose marriage?" He poured a cup of tea for her, and gently placed it in front of her.

She nodded: "It is indeed for the purpose of proposing marriage." She looked up at him, her eyes were extremely clear: "Brother Shangguan, I just reached the age of marriage, but I don't want to marry so early, and I still hope that Shangguan Brother, if you can tell your father about the marriage proposal, don't mention it again in the future."

Shangguan Nuo was stunned, he didn't expect Zheng Nianwen to say this to him here, he was a bit stunned, and before he could react, he heard Zheng Nianwen say again: "Brother Shangguan, you have such a bearing, and your family background is so extraordinary. Many girls are willing to marry your Shangguan family, why don't you open your eyes a little more, and you will definitely find a better marriage in this capital city."

Shangguan Nuo was in a hurry, and hurriedly asked: "Does the princess have any dissatisfaction with me?"

Read the text and shook his head: "That's not true. Brother Shangguan and I just met by chance, and we can't even talk about understanding each other. What are you talking about?"

Shangguan Nuo hurriedly said: "Princess, since you don't have any dissatisfaction with me, why can't you accept my marriage proposal? We can make an appointment first, and don't rush to get married at this moment."

She frowned as soon as she read the text. It seemed that Brother Jiao had said this too, and she didn't like to hear it.

"Brother Shangguan, I've made my words very clear. I don't want to say anything more. Let me go!" She got up, ignored Shangguan Nuo's persuasion behind her, and left.

It was only when I walked halfway that I remembered that the folding fan she had just brought fell on the log table in the courtyard of Mu Cangju. The painting on the folding fan was drawn by the master. She liked it very much and cherished it all the time. Naturally, she couldn’t throw it away. Go to the government here.

Thinking about it, she turned around and turned back.

Just entered Mu Cangju, Shangguan Nuo was still sitting in the log chair under the pergola, and in Shangguan Nuo's arms lay a delicate little beauty.

She sneered in her heart, she couldn't wait!
Seeing Nian Wen coming back, Shangguan Nuo hurriedly pushed away the girl in his arms, and was about to explain to her, when Nian Wen picked up the folding fan on the table and said: "I'm really sorry for disturbing you two, please continue, just pretend I didn't come Yes." She bowed to Shangguan Nuo with her fists in her hands, turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a moment.

Shangguan Nuo was so angry that his liver hurt, he glared at the girl just now, and said angrily: "What are you so worried about? You just fell into my arms at this time. This is good, you ruined everything."

The girl hurriedly knelt down: "The prince calms down, the prince calms down, the servant is just, just accidentally—"

Shangguan Nuo snorted coldly: "Careless? Are you not careful, so I won't be able to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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