Chapter 1138

Chapter 1153

The girl hurriedly kowtowed: "The son was wronged, the servant was really careless just now." She couldn't believe it, the son who was clearly in love with her a few days ago, seems to be a completely different person these days. She refused to look at her more. If the fall just now was not deliberate, how could she fall into Shizi's arms so cleverly? She just wanted to win Shizi's attention, and begged him not to forget her.

But who would have thought that the little trick that the son liked to play most in the past would actually lose his temper because of it today.

Shangguan Nuo waved his hand: "Stand back, don't appear in front of me again."

He didn't want to take another look at the woman in front of him, he was almost overwhelmed by the boredom in his heart, he never thought that such an ordinary trace of romance would become a stumbling block for him today.

How should he explain clearly to Zheng Nianwen, how should he restore the image in her heart?

Perhaps, she would no longer want to see him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out of Mu Cangju, chasing Zheng Nianwen all the way.

He hurriedly chased out of Shangguan Mansion and stopped Zheng Nianwen at the intersection.

"Princess, things are not what you think, you listen to my explanation." He ran in a hurry, with a little sweat on his forehead.

Nianwen's eyes were pale, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Brother Shangguan, why bother to explain to me, I don't care about the truth."

After hearing this, Shangguan Nuo became more and more nervous: "No, I have to explain. What you saw just now was not what you thought. She accidentally slipped and fell into my arms."

The smile on Zheng Nianwen's face grew stronger, and she didn't want to entangle him more on this issue, but if he wanted to say that, she couldn't bear it.

"Brother Shangguan thinks I'm young, so I'm easy to deceive?"

Shangguan Nuo was taken aback, "Huh?"

Nianwen smiled and said: "Brother Shangguan was born in the Tianhou clan, and the house is deep. Needless to say, you know everything about the back house, and I, Zheng Nianwen, have just come out of the mountains and have never seen the world. Baby, I never like to study the affairs of the back house, but I was born in the palace and grew up in the palace, so I know something about it. It's not just your Shangguan family who raises groups of maids. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the palace, and even my master The Wan Mansion also has quite a few maids, but I have grown up so much, and I have never seen a maid who is so bold and rushes into the arms of the 'master' for no reason."

Even if it was true that he fell into his arms, it was definitely not for no reason. If he had no unclear relationship with the maid before, how could the maid have such courage?In broad daylight, he sent it to Shizi's arms.

Shangguan Nuo's face was slightly embarrassed, he didn't know how to explain, and he was silent for a while before he said: "Then, that maid is my personal maid, and she takes care of my daily life all by herself, she always, always thinks that she is in front of me. It's special, so, so..."

He can't say it, Zheng Nianwen is not a fool, why can't he understand, to put it bluntly, that girl is his roommate, not only takes care of his daily life, but also warms his bed for his entertainment when he is lonely, Sure enough, it's something that a nobleman of a family would do, it's very common.

She smiled lightly and said: "Brother Shangguan, you and I have no destiny, so leave!" She felt that the decision she had made earlier was extremely wise, and she really despised such a man.

Shangguan Nuo stopped her in front of her, and said anxiously: "Princess, if you and I are not destined, how can we meet again and again, this is clearly a predestined fate."

(End of this chapter)

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