Chapter 1139
Chapter 1154

"Princess, if you don't like these girls in my courtyard, I will drive them away immediately. Now I only have the princess in my heart, and I can't pretend to be anyone. I—"

Reading text interrupted his words, and said in a low voice: "Brother Shangguan, what I said is very clear, you are not my good match, I am not your good match, please stop pestering each other, brother Shangguan, and save some face for each of you. He hopes to see each other someday, otherwise, we won't even be friends." After saying that, she cupped her hands towards him, turned around and left.

Shangguan Nuo reached out to grab her arm, but he didn't even touch a piece of her clothes. The figure was clearly close in front of him. He chased desperately, but he still could only watch her go further and further away. , until there is no trace left.

He stood on the street, his chest was congested, and Zheng Nianwen's words kept ringing in his ears, and he felt very unwilling.

In 18 years, it was the first time that he felt admiration for a girl, and it was the first time that he wanted to marry a girl so wholeheartedly, but she rejected him so ruthlessly.

"Nuo'er, what are you doing here?" A tall and thin young man got off his horse and walked up to Shangguan Nuo.

Shangguan Nuo regained his senses and bowed his hands to the young man: "Cousin, how are you doing?"

Han Fei smiled lightly, "Very good, how about you? I heard that my uncle brought you to Beijing this time to help you find a marriage. Do you have any clues?"

Shangguan Nuo smiled wryly: "It was promising at first, but now it's hard to say."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Is there such a thing? In this capital city, is there any girl who would be willing to reject you?"

Shangguan Nuo said: "Who else is there, the little princess who stands shoulder to shoulder with the palace, people look down on me."

Han Fei thought that he had just seen a young man walking in the street. The young man looked very similar to Princess Changle. Could it be her?

"Have you met just now?" Han Fei asked.

Shangguan Nuo nodded, feeling very depressed in his heart, he told everything that happened before, and asked his cousin to make up his mind for him.

When Han Fei heard this, he immediately shook his head: "Oh, what a coincidence, why did she bump into it, it's a bad thing."

Shangguan Nuo said: "Who is not? Originally, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the family's backyard. Her reaction seems to be a little bit bigger."

Han Fei shook his head: "That's what you don't know. The grandfather of Princess Changle, that is, Zheng Guogong, only married one wife in his life. There was no concubine room in his family, and he didn't even have a housemate. Injured his body, he never gave birth again, and he has never had a second heart for his wife, and he has lived like this all his life, the same is true for the side-by-side king, who loves the princess protecting the country wholeheartedly, never letting other women get close Mr. Nawan, he married Jian Yun in his middle age, and he never had any relationship with any woman before or after marriage. Princess Changle grew up in such an environment, so she would naturally hope for her husband I can treat her with one heart and one mind, and be a couple for the rest of my life."

Shangguan Nuomeng, this kind of story that only appeared in the storybooks actually exists. In this world, there is really such a thing as a couple for a lifetime. A man only faces one woman in his life. He didn't even think about it before. never thought about.

Seeing him like this, Han Fei shook his head and said, "If you can't do this, don't provoke her. She is not an ordinary girl. She is capable of writing and martial arts, and is also very good at medicine. If you marry her, will you marry her?" If you can't treat her wholeheartedly, no one can say what the consequences will be."

(End of this chapter)

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