Chapter 1140
Chapter 1155

It is said that after reading the text and getting rid of Shangguan Nuo, seeing that it was still early, he went to a very famous tea house. There are storytellers here for many years, telling some anecdotes from all over the world, and talking about the misty stories in legendary stories. story.

The teahouse was very lively, she found a seat in the corner and sat down. She was originally listening to the story of the storyteller on the stage, but the voices from the neighboring table were too loud, and her attention was gradually drawn by the voices of the people at the neighboring table. To attract.

"My son just came back from Jincheng, the Rongyu Hall opened by Princess Huguo in Jincheng, the doctor sitting in the hall has died of a doctor, and there is a lot of trouble."

"I heard that it's not the first time. This doctor is new here. There was another doctor before him who also treated someone to death. Today's Rongyu Hall, without the princess protecting the country, is no longer the Rongyu that was so prosperous in the past. Hall."

"That's right, what a pity. Princess Huguo's exquisite medical skills have treated countless seriously ill people when she was in Jincheng, but now the Rongyu Hall has become like this."

"That can't be helped. The princess protecting the country is a princess, and she is also the wife of the side-by-side king. She should stay in the capital to care for her husband and teach her children. In recent years, although she has not opened another medical clinic in the capital, it is said that as long as she She has never said no to people who come to seek medical treatment, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, high or low, she treats them equally in her eyes."

"Yes, yes, such a good person as Princess Huguo is rare in the world."

This is not the first time Zheng Nianwen heard someone complimenting her mother behind her back. She was very proud when she heard it, because she has such an amazing mother who is loved by the people and can apply what she has learned. Can be innocent.

This time, after hearing these discussions, she had a bold idea in her heart. As soon as this idea came out, she didn't even have the desire to drink tea, she directly dropped the money, got up, left the teahouse and ran to the palace.

As soon as she returned to the palace, she went directly to Baoyueju, and pulled aside her mother who was supervising her younger brother's calligraphy practice.

"Look at how anxious you are, what happened? Did you offend the Shangguan family?"

Wen'er waved his hand: "Who cares to offend them, I have something more important to discuss with you."

"Oh? What made you so anxious, tell me." Rong Yue looked at her daughter with a smile, wondering what amazing words would come out of her small mouth.

Wen'er hurriedly said: "Mother, didn't you say that both Jincheng and Pengcheng have the medical center you opened back then, Rongyu Hall."

Rong Yue nodded: "Yes, why?"

"I just heard someone talking outside that the doctor in Rongyu Hall in Jincheng had cured someone again. Do you know about this?"

Rong Yue sighed, with a worried expression on her face: "I know, I received a letter from Jincheng three days ago, this is really a headache, it's not the first time, if this continues, Rong Yu The church can’t keep going.”

Wen'er hurriedly said: "Mother, let me go to Jincheng. How about I help you bring Rongyu Hall back to life and let it regain its former reputation?"

"You're going to Jincheng? Why?" Rong Yue frowned.

Wen'er hurriedly took her mother's arm, and said coquettishly: "Mother, I have grown up so much, I have never been out of the capital city, the world is so big, I want to see it, and by the way, I will help you get Rong Yutang up." Resurrecting from the dead kills two birds with one stone.”

Rong Yue can understand Wen'er's feelings, she just doesn't want what she has learned to become useless, but she is only 15 years old, so she is always a little worried about letting her venture into the rivers and lakes alone.

(End of this chapter)

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