Chapter 1141 To Jincheng

Chapter 1156

"Wen'er, I need to discuss this matter with your father."

Wen'er shook her mother's arm a few more times, "Mother, you have always had the final say in our family, do you still need to discuss it? As long as you nod, when did daddy say no? Besides, you and daddy Don't you all want me to be engaged to Shangguan Nuo? Once I leave, they will naturally have nothing to do, this is not killing two birds with one stone, it is clearly killing three birds with one stone."

Wen'er was acting coquettishly, Zheng Zhongwen saw it from a distance, and approached with a smile: "Wen'er, are you giving your mother a problem again?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "You came just in time, it is indeed a difficult problem."

Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "What? What happened?"

Zhongwen frowned when he told Wen'er that Wen'er was going to Jincheng, not because he didn't want her to go out and see the world, but because she was worried that she would suffer a loss outside her parents.

Wen'er: "Father, mother, I know that you are worried about me. I am just a child in your eyes, but you should also know that I have been practicing martial arts for a while. When it comes to kung fu, I am not inferior to you two. Then Jincheng is not a place of suffering and evil, are you afraid that I will suffer?"

Zhong Wen turned to look at Rong Yue: "You decide."

Zhongwen didn't object and let her make the decision, which was equivalent to agreeing.

She sighed, "Okay, let's go, but you have to promise your parents that you will not be brave when you encounter problems outside. If there is anything difficult to deal with, go to the government with a token to seek help. Knowing that you are the little princess who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace, naturally I will not neglect you."

Zhongwen laughed and said, "It's hard to say about other places, but Jincheng, that's Min Hengzhi's territory. With him here, are you still afraid that our daughter will be wronged?"

Rong Yue glanced at him sideways, and half-jokingly said: "There is a sour taste in your words, why? After all these years, do you still hold grudges?"

Zhongwen snorted softly: "What do I hate him for? What does he have for me to hate?"

Reading the text has never seen Daddy like this, and he was immediately curious: "Daddy, who is this Hengzhi? Do you have any trouble with him?"

holiday?Some things can not be mentioned, but there are some things that he still blames him when he thinks about them.

When Rongyue saw him wearing a red robe to greet his relatives, she left the capital in a fit of anger and hid in Jincheng to live.

Min Hengzhi knew that he was not married, that he went to Xijiang to avoid that woman, he knew everything, but he didn't say a word to Rongyue, and he wanted to take advantage of his absence to sneak in and kidnap his wife and daughter. Every time he thinks about this matter, he gets upset, very upset.

"It's nothing. Some misunderstandings when I was young have all passed. He is the king of Jin. There is nothing in Jincheng that he has nothing to say. If you encounter anything in Jincheng, just go to him and he will help you." You." Resentment is resentment, but he is still worried about his daughter going to Jincheng alone, and it would be better if Min Hengzhi helped to take care of her.

Read the text and asked: "Do you need a token?"

Zhongwen waved his hand: "No, just report your name. He must still remember you. He hugged you when you were young."

Rong Yue said: "You go to Wan Mansion tomorrow to say goodbye to the master, and then go to the palace and talk to your uncle, lest everyone miss you."

The mood of reading the text is happy, but when I think of leaving these close people, I feel sad again.

(End of this chapter)

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