Chapter 1142 National Law
Chapter 1157

On the second day after Nianwen left Kyoto, Wan Kun also asked his parents to go to Jincheng.

Jincheng was originally Mr. Wan's base camp, and he lived in Kyoto for Jian Yun. Over the years, he had thought of returning to Jincheng, but seeing Jian Yun's relationship with the children getting closer, he gradually gave up this idea. Now his son He proposed to go to Jincheng, but he felt a little happy. His son can go to see the place where he started his hard work, and experience it again, which will be very helpful for him to take over the Wanjia property in the future.

Mr. Wan already agreed in his heart, but he still asked him: "You went to Jincheng, but for Wen'er?"

Wan Kun didn't deny it: "Yes, sometimes she is too blunt and impulsive, I don't worry."

Jian Yun glanced at him, and said angrily: "Then you can rest assured about your father and mother, we are not young, are you not afraid that something will happen to us?"

Wan Kun said: "You are so healthy and strong, you can live to one hundred and twenty without any problem, what can happen? This is at the feet of the emperor, the emperor is your apprentice, who dares to let you have an accident?"

Jian Yun shook her head: "You can't talk so full. It's really hard to say what's going on in the world. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Maybe one day your father and I will go to prison suddenly, you have to come back Save us."

Who would have thought that what was said as a joke for a while would eventually become a prophecy.

After all, Wan Kun went to Jincheng. He had just entered the city, and before he had time to go to Wanwutang to unload his luggage, he first went to Rongyutang on Renhe Street.

He didn't go in. He just stood outside and looked in for a while, but he didn't see Wen'er. When he saw a guy coming to ask, he turned around and left without saying anything.

Xiaodou was puzzled: "My lord, you came all the way and left without seeing the princess?"

Wan Kun said: "The future is long, why worry?"

Xiaodou thought: I don't know who was in a hurry, and came to Rongyu Hall first without even unloading the luggage.

As soon as the master and servant turned around Renhe Street, they saw a group of people making noise in front of them.

He was about to take a detour, but he heard someone shouting from the crowd: "She is the current owner of Rong Yu Tang. Rong Yu Tang treated someone to death, and the doctor ran away. Let's ask her for an explanation."

Then Wen'er's clear voice sounded in the crowd: "Be quiet, everyone, and listen to me first: "I fully understand that you are asking for an explanation, but you can't just gather people to make troubles because of this. Isn't this already happening?" Did you report to the police?You have your own judgment from the government. You just wait at home for the master to make a judgment. What can I solve by blocking me? "

A man's rough voice sounded: "Waiting at home? How long have we been waiting? Don't think we don't know. The former owner of Rongyu Hall was the Princess Huguo at that time. This official and Princess Huguo belonged to the same family , Who cares about the life and death of us ordinary people? I'm afraid we can wait another three to five years, and this matter will not be resolved."

Immediately, someone in the crowd echoed: "That's right, officials and officials protect each other. Last time, it was a matter of spending a few money and nothing happened. This time, even the money is gone. Are you not taking the lives of our people?"

"So what about Princess Huguo? Does Princess Huguo not pay for her life if she kills someone?"

"That's right. If you kill someone, you have to pay for your life. Isn't this the law of the country? Isn't this law only targeting us ordinary people? Can they get away with it even if they violate the law of the country?"

(End of this chapter)

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