Chapter 115 Huang Liu
After hearing this question, Huang Liu knew that he had fallen into the trap of the other party, but the words had already been spoken, and it would not be so easy to change them.

"Yes, that's right. When I saw him, he could still recognize me. After a while from his home to Rongyu Hall, it became like this. It is conceivable that you gave him food Medicine, where is the medicine for curing the disease, it is simply poison!" Huang Liu shouted loudly.

Standing in the crowd, Si Yuan couldn't help but was about to rush out, but was stopped by Yin Yixuan: "Don't go, she can handle it! If we come forward, it will only make things more difficult!"

Si Yuandao: "Then shall we just watch Miss Qi being bullied by that bully?"

Yin Yixuan smiled lightly: "Does she look like she has been bullied?"

Si Yuan turned his head to take a look, and muttered: "It's really not like it!" On the contrary, the bully looked pale, and he looked a bit like he was being bullied.

Qi Rongyue pointed to the dying man and asked, "What's his name? Where does he live?"

Huang Liu frowned, and said in displeasure, "You think you are Lord Qingtian trying the case? You have to figure out the current situation!"

Qi Rongyue said: "Everyone who has seen a doctor in my Rongyu Hall has a record. You report his name, and I will ask the staff to look it up. Is this unreasonable?"

"Or, you don't know his name at all?"

Huang Liu claimed to be a distant cousin with this person, since they were relatives, it was impossible not to know the name.

Huang Liu's thoughts changed sharply, and he blurted out: "Who says I don't know his name? His surname is Zhao, and he is the fourth eldest child in his family. His father and mother named him Zhao Si. After his father and mother died, He lives alone in a dilapidated house on Liuku Old Street." Liuku Old Street is full of dilapidated houses, and Huang Liu happened to have a house in Liuku Old Street, so he told this lie, lest Qi Rong Yue asked him the specific location of the house.

Huang Liu, Zhao Si, Sun Ba, heh—choosing names is really easy.

As a result, Ms. Qi didn't ask any more questions at all, but passed Huang Liu, walked straight behind him, squatted beside the dying man, first took the pulse, then lifted the man's eyelids to check, and then squeezed The man's cheeks forced him to open his mouth, and after seeing the situation in his mouth, he let go.

She didn't get up, but said to Xue'er beside her, "Xue'er, get the needle."

Xue'er hurriedly handed over a small needle bag she carried with her.

Seeing this, Huang Liu hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing?"

Qi Rongyue's speed was extremely fast: "Before Huang Liu could react, she had already pulled out two needles and stuck them into the man's vital points." Yinzhen said softly, "I'm a doctor, so naturally I can't just ignore death."

Huang Liu stretched out his hand to grab Qi Rongyue's shoulder: "I think you want to kill someone to silence you!"

Qi Rongyue held the silver needle in one hand, pierced it quickly and ruthlessly, and at the same time lightly turned her shoulder to avoid Huang Liu's hand reaching out to grab her shoulder.

Seeing this, Xue'er hurriedly stood in front of Qi Rongyue, shouting: "What are you doing? In broad daylight, the universe is clear, do you still have the king's law in your eyes?"

If it was on weekdays, if there were not so many people around, if the backing of this dead girl in front of him was not Mrs. Zheng, why would Huang Liu talk to her?He punched them to the ground and made them find their teeth all over the floor.

"You also know that the sun is shining in broad daylight now? Your young lady murdered her in the street, murdered her, and silenced her. Do you have the king's law in your eyes?" Huang Liu growled.

(End of this chapter)

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