Chapter 116

"Who killed someone in the street and killed them?" A deep and majestic voice came from behind the crowd.

Everyone avoided to the sides, only to see a man wearing the uniform of a Yamen policeman walking towards Huang Liu, followed by two Yamen servants holding iron chains.

As soon as Huang Liu looked at this man, the flesh on his face immediately loosened, and he said with a smile on his face, "Catcher Jin, what brought you here?"

Jin Qiu smiled and said: "What wind is blowing here? In broad daylight, people are going to die in the street, can I not come?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Liu hurriedly pointed to Qi Rongyue who was administering needles to the patient, and said, "It's her, it's her who wants to kill people to silence her, hurry up and take her back to the yamen!"

Jin Butou is not an idiot, would he listen to the command of a local ruffian?What's more, the girl in front of me is none other than the eldest daughter of the prefect of Qi. Although the father and daughter have broken up now, who knows when Miss Qi will reconcile with Master Qi again?

What's more, even if Ms. Qi and Lord Qi are breaking up now, she still has another new backer, one that even the prefect of Qi dare not mess with.

Jin Butou stared at Huang Liu, and said, "If she wants to kill people and silence her, she will be under the eyes of everyone? You have no brains, and everyone else is as brainless as you? Miss Qi is clearly treating diseases!"

Can Huang Liu not know that she is treating a disease?He just doesn't want her to treat her, but this damn girl can't be violent to her. Now that Jin Butou is intervening again, this matter is really difficult.

"Jin Butou, you don't know. This person became like this after he was treated in Rongyutang. I suspect that Qi Rongyue will secretly assassinate him. There is nothing wrong with him, so that she can insist on Zhao Si's death. I never entered her Rongyu Hall at all, so that I can completely remove the responsibility!"

Jin Bu shook his head: "I can't listen to your one-sided opinion, I have to ask Miss Qi."

At this time, Qi Rongyue had already collected the needles and stood up. She handed the needle pack to Xueer, turned her head to Jin Butou and said, "Jin Butou, this person has never been treated in my Rongyu Hall, let alone ate it. I took the medicine from Rongyutang, he has been sick for a long time, the wind and cold invaded the body, causing internal heat, and because he didn’t keep warm, he just alternated between cold and heat all day long, and minor illnesses turned into serious ones, fortunately It’s not terminally ill yet, and it’s still curable.”

Qi Rongyue glanced at Huang Liu again, and said, "Thanks to Huang Liu, if he hadn't sent him here today, in a few days, this person's life might be in danger."

Seeing that Huang Liu's face became ugly, Jin Catcher sneered in his heart, and said to Qi Rongyue, "Then when will this Zhao Si wake up?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Wake up immediately!"

As soon as Qi Rongyue finished speaking, Xue Er shouted, "Wake up, wake up, this person is awake!"

When Jin Butou heard this, he immediately leaned forward, knelt down and asked the man, "Can you see the man clearly?"

The man opened his cracked mouth, and responded with a hoarse voice.

The clerk in the shop brought a bowl of hot tea and helped the man to drink half of it.

Jin Butou pointed at Qi Rongyue and asked, "Who is she?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know!"

Jin Butou pointed at Huang Liu again, only to see that Huang Liu was about to run away, but Jin Butou caught a glimpse of him and was immediately caught and dragged.

The man looked at Huang Liu, nodded and said, "This is Uncle Huang, I recognize him!"

Xue'er shouted: "You call him Uncle Huang? Isn't he your distant cousin?"

(End of this chapter)

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