Chapter 1150

Chapter 1165

The person in his arms struggled for a while, but he hugged him tighter and tighter.

"Brother, what are you doing? Are you crazy?" Shangguan Yu'er's jaw was so startled that his jaw would drop. Although his eldest brother is always surrounded by peach blossoms, he can handle it with ease. Occasionally, he and the girl can be seen in his courtyard. She was flirting, but she had never lost her composure like today.

Hearing Shangguan Yu'er's voice, Shangguan Nuo became clear. He hurriedly let go of the girl in his arms, and was about to apologize to her, but the girl in front of him turned into another person, who was completely different from Zheng Nianwen. same person.

Sun Liuliu blushed and turned to Shangguan Nuofu: "My son."

Shangguan Nuo staggered and almost fell, muttering to himself: "You are not her, you are not her." He was extremely disappointed, turned around and left, stumbled, making people feel distressed.

It was the first time in Sun Liuliu's life that he was hugged by a man like this, and it was also the first time that he was ignored by a man like this. His eyes gradually became foggy, and he grabbed her in distress.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yu'er hurriedly explained: "Sister Sun, my elder brother is not like this usually, he drank too much today and lost his mind, sister, don't take it to heart, when he sobers up, I will let him You apologize."

Sun Liuliu shook her head, tears rolled down her eyes: "He clearly, clearly recognized me as someone else, I, I—" Ever since Princess Changle's Jiji banquet that day, a person has lived in her heart, and she has always been thinking of him. It was him, and yesterday she learned that their Sun family had some connection with the Shangguan family's ancestors, so she begged her mother to take her around the Shangguan mansion, hoping to see him again.

In the end, it turns out that he already has someone he likes, is it Princess Changle?At the palace banquet that day, she noticed that he had been staring at the princess. After the princess left, he also left quickly. When the princess came back, he also came back. Could it be that they have met in private?
After all, Shangguan Yu'er is Shangguan Nuo's younger sister, so she still knows something about her brother.

Shangguan Yu'er sighed, and said: "I'm not afraid of my sister's jokes. My eldest brother is unrequited love. He fell in love with Princess Changle, and even asked his father to go to the Prince's Mansion to propose marriage twice. However, Princess Changle is not at all. He looks down on him, that’s why he’s so troubled, he’s drinking at home every day, and he doesn’t listen to any persuasion, presumably he must have recognized you as Princess Changle just now.”

Seeing that Sun Liuliuhong was silent, Shangguan Yu'er said again: "I don't know what's so good about Princess Changle, I heard that more than half of the nobles in the capital city have been to the Prince's Palace to propose marriage, and the results are all the same, I want to see Look, what kind of husband will she marry in the future, can she be better than my elder brother?"

What's good?Sun Liuliu thought of the amazement and jealousy she felt when she saw Princess Changle in the Palace of Yonghe that day. She thought that her appearance could already be called stunning. Only after seeing Princess Changle would she know what a stunning beauty in the world is.

With such an appearance and such a family background, which nobleman would not rush to marry her?
Even their Pingdehou Mansion sharpened their heads and wanted to get involved in this marriage.

She should have expected it, she should have expected it a long time ago, in front of such a woman, what advantage does she have to attract Shangguan Nuo's attention?

Her heart was throbbing again, and she smiled wryly, "It's getting late, I should go back."

Shangguan Yu'er was very reluctant, she never had any friends, the concubines at home were all scheming, she was too lazy to socialize with them, she finally got a grand sister, she couldn't just let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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