Chapter 1151 Willow
Chapter 1166

"Sister, don't leave, stay at our house for a few days, okay? I'm leaving these days, and we don't know when we'll see each other again, so stay with me." Shangguan Yu'er Clutching Sun Liuliu's sleeve tightly, shaking it hard, shaking it hard.

Sun Liuliu's heart twitched slightly, stay?If she stayed, wouldn't she have more opportunities to contact Shangguan Nuo?

Now that Princess Changle has rejected Shangguan Nuo, there is no chance between them. Maybe she can take this opportunity to get close to him, win his favor, and let him see that she, Sun Liuliu, is good.

She was happy in her heart, but she put on a very embarrassed look on her face: "Is this not very good?"

Shangguan Yu'er hurriedly said: "What's wrong with this? You live in my courtyard, we sleep together at night and chat all night, okay?"

Sun Liuliu really wanted to agree, but as the daughter of the Hou family, she knew what to say at this time: "I'm afraid this matter still needs the consent of the elders, and I can't decide in private."

Shangguan Yu'er was impatient, seeing that Sun Liuliu didn't resist, she was very happy, and immediately said: "Leave this to me, just watch."

Wu's original favorite son-in-law was Prince Jiao, but unfortunately Prince Jiao had already left the capital, and she never found a chance to strike up a conversation. Wan Kun has also left the capital and went out to practice, but it seems that he has no fate. He came to Shangguan's house today, and he was lucky in his heart. Er begged her to let Liuliu live in Shangguan Mansion for a few days, which was exactly what she wanted.

Wu shi pretended to be embarrassed: "I'm afraid this is not very good. If Liu Liu stays here, it will cause trouble for you."

Shangguan Yu'er looked at her mother in a blink of an eye, and said angrily: "Mother, I stay in the mansion by myself every day, and you don't let me go out to play, I'm almost bored to death, finally I got a talkative sister, You must help me keep her."

Mrs. Xian Guanghou dotes on this little daughter the most, seeing her like this, not to mention keeping one Sun Liuliu, even ten Sun Liuliu are willing.

"Sister, since the two children hit it off right away and are reluctant to separate, why don't you let Liu Liu stay for a few days, and let the little sisters be your companions."

Wu Shi was waiting for this sentence, her heart was full of joy, and she forced a light smile on her face: "In that case, let's stay, and I will take care of my sister."

Shangguan Yu'er was so happy that she immediately took Sun Liuliu to her Ruyu Residence.

The same is the daughter of the Hou family, and her status seems to be the same, but Sun Liuliu knows in her heart that compared with Shangguan Yuer, she is not in the same class at all. Just look at the courtyard where Shangguan Yuer lives, it is huge Luxurious yet elegant, compared to her courtyard in Sun's family, I don't know how many times better.

Moreover, this is still their Shangguan family's idle property in Beijing. If they return to their base camp in the east, what will happen to the Hou Mansion over there?

Nianwen has been sitting in Rongyu Hall for three full days, but she hasn't seen a single patient. The desertedness of Rongyu Hall is beyond her imagination.

She didn't think about making Rongyutang's business better, but her medical skills couldn't just go to waste like this.

So she picked up the medicine box and planned to visit the places where the poor gathered in the city, to help those who needed medical treatment but could not afford the money.

(End of this chapter)

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