Chapter 1152 Big Brother

Chapter 1167

She once heard her father mention that when her mother took her to live in Jincheng alone, she would go out for consultations with a medicine box when she was free. The consultation fees were collected according to the patient's family status. Two silver coins, if the family is really poor, they will take some melons and fruits grown by themselves as the consultation money, so that the patients can feel better psychologically.

If you encounter those patients who can't be solved, the mother will not only waive the consultation fee, but even pay for it out of her own pocket, sending medicine and food, helping many poor people, and her reputation in Jincheng is also very prosperous.

She came to Sandan Street, a famous slum in Jincheng.

The people who live here are basically not natives of Jincheng. Before they succeed, they must have a shelter, and Sandan Street is a place dedicated to sheltering such people.

Sandan Street is full of dilapidated and unoccupied old houses. Ten years ago, the King of Jin bought the only houses in Sandan Street that had owners. All the courtyards are built with houses, and there are rows of brick and tile houses, one next to the other, and a row of pots and stoves will be set up in the middle of every few rooms, and there will be space at the back of the houses for growing vegetables. The land, and then put simple living utensils, so that it became a shelter for these homeless refugees.

Not everyone can go in and settle down at will. The King of Jin has set up a card point on Sandan Street. Everyone who wants to enter Sandan Street to settle down must be checked by a special person before being allowed to move in. Once the person who moves in If you meet the conditions for another secluded new residence, you will be invited out of Sandan Street, and the house will be vacated for more suitable people to live in.

Therefore, those who live in Sandan Street must be poor, and very, very poor.

She set up a stall at the intersection of Sandan Street, wrote a sign for free medical treatment, and put it up. Someone saw it, and immediately opened it in Sandan Street. When everyone heard that there was a good thing about free medical treatment, don’t worry about it. Sick or not, come to take a pulse, for peace of mind.

It was just after noon and I was busy until the evening. I couldn't finish reading the people in line, and it was getting late. She saw that although these people insisted on queuing, their faces were not obviously sick, so she got up and said: "Everyone! , It’s getting late today, everyone, come back, I’ll come back early tomorrow morning, and then you’ll come to line up again.”

These people have been queuing for a long time, and they haven't got their turn yet. Now that the doctor is going to leave again, they are more or less unhappy, but after all, they don't need money, and they will come back tomorrow. No matter how unhappy they are, they won't say it out loud. He sent the young doctor away and said a lot of good things, so he was afraid that she would not come tomorrow morning.

Nianwen took the medicine box to bid farewell to the crowd, and was about to leave when he saw a little girl with tear stains on her face behind the crowd. A pair of eyes stared at her firmly, and seemed to have a thousand words to say, but he didn't dare to speak.

With a heartbeat, she stopped the steps she was about to go, walked around the crowd, and came to the little girl: "Little sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" She took out the handkerchief from her arms and held it for the little girl Wipe away your tears.

The little girl didn't expect that the big brother who was skilled in medicine would suddenly come to her and wiped her tears. She was really flattered.

(End of this chapter)

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